Bristol Masonic Ritual
First Degree
Opening an Entered Apprentices Lodge
DC — Worshipful Master, the Lodge is properly officered.
WM — Brethren, assist me to open this Lodge.
WM — Brother Junior Warden, what is the first and constant care of every Mason? (Never “Freemason”)
JW — To see the Lodge properly tyled, Worshipful Master.
WM — You will direct that duty to be performed.
JW — Brother Inner Guard, you will see the Lodge properly tyled.
IG — ❗❗❗
Tyler — ❗❗❗
IG — Brother Junior Warden, that duty is performed.
JW — Worshipful Master, your commands are obeyed.
WM — Brother Senior Warden, what is the next care?
SW — To see that none but Masons are present, Worshipful Master.
WM — Does every Brother vouch for his right hand neighbour?
DC — All present are vouched for, Worshipful Master.
WM — Then Brethren, to Order as Entered Apprentice Masons.
Previous to this point the Officers reply without standing to Order. It is not correct, according to Bristol working, for the Worshipful Master or Officers to be addressed by their proper names before the lodge is thus opened.
WM — Brother Junior Warden, how many principal Officers rule the Lodge?
JW — Three, Worshipful Master, namely the Worshipful Master and the Senior and Junior Wardens.
WM — Brother Senior Warden, how many assistant Officers are there?
SW — Three, Worshipful Master, besides the Outer Guard or Tyler, namely the Senior and Junior Deacons and the Inner Guard.
WM — Brother Junior Warden, where is the situation of the Outer Guard or Tyler?
JW — Without the door of the Lodge, Worshipful Master.
WM — And his duties there?
JW — Being armed with a drawn Sword, to keep off all cowans and intruders upon Masonry and see the Candidates come properly prepared.
WM — Brother Inner Guard, where is your situation in the Lodge?
IG — Within the door of the Lodge, Worshipful Master.
WM — And your duties?
IG — To admit Masons upon proof, to receive Candidates in due form, and to obey the commands of the Junior Warden.
WM — Brother Junior Deacon, where is your situation in the Lodge?
JD — At or near the right hand of the Senior Warden in the West, Worshipful Master.
WM — And your duties?
JD — To carry all commands and communications of the Worshipful Master from the Senior to the Junior Warden, to see the same properly dispersed and punctually obeyed throughout the Lodge.
WM — Brother Senior Deacon, where is your situation in the Lodge?
SD — At or near the right hand of the Worshipful Master in the East, Worshipful Master.
WM — And your duties?
SD — To carry all commands and communications of the Worshipful Master to the Senior Warden, and there await the return of the Junior Deacon.
WM — Brother Junior Warden, where is your constant place in the Lodge?
JW — In the South, Worshipful Master.
WM — And why are you so placed?
JW — To mark the Sun at its meridian, to call the Brethren from labour to refreshment and from refreshment to labour, to see that they keep within hail and come on again in due time, so that profit and pleasure may be the result.
WM — Brother Senior Warden, where is your constant place in the Lodge?
SW — In the West, Worshipful Master.
WM — And why are you so placed?
SW — As the Sun disappears in the West to close the most glorious day, so is the Senior Warden placed in the West to close the Lodge by command of the Worshipful Master, first seeing that every Brother has received the due reward of his labour.
WM — Hon. Past Master, where is the Worshipful Master’s place?
IPM — In the East, Worshipful Master.
WM — And why is he so placed?
IPM — As the Sun rises in the East to open and enlighten the most glorious day, so is the Worshipful Master placed in the East to open his Lodge, and instruct his Brethren in Masonry in silence and secrecy.
WM — Brethren, our Lodge being the duly formed, before I declare it open, let us invoke a blessing from the Grand Architect of the Universe upon all our undertakings.
WM (or Chaplain) — May our labours thus begun in Order, be continued in peace and finally closed in Brotherly Love.
All — So mote it be.
WM — “And her mother in law said unto her, ‘Where hast thou gleaned to day? and where wroughtest thou? blessed be he that did take knowledge of thee.’ And she shewed her mother in law with whom she had wrought, and said, ‘The man’s name with whom I wrought to day is Boaz.’” (Ruth 2:19)
WM — Brethren, in the name of the Grand Architect of the Universe, I declare this Lodge of Entered Apprentice Masons open.
WM — ❗❗❗ (Sits)
Here the Immediate Past Master should open the Holy Bible and place the Square and Compasses thereon both points being hidden.
SW — ❗❗❗
JW — ❗❗❗
IG — ❗❗❗
Tyler — ❗❗❗
Senior Warden raises, and Junior Warden lowers, column.
Hymn. Minutes.
First Degree or Ceremony of Initiation
WM — Our business this evening is to initiate, etc.
Treasurer’s report.
WM — Brothers Deacons, you will retire and see that the Candidate is properly prepared.
The Senior Deacon (outside), taking the Candidate’s hand, causes him to knock three times on the door.
IG — (inside) Brother Junior Warden, there is a report.
JW — You will see who seeks admission.
IG — (outside) Whom have you there?
SD — (outside) A.B., a poor Candidate in a state of indigence and darkness, who has been well and worthily recommended, duly proposed, balloted for, and accepted in open Lodge, and who now comes of his own free will and accord, humbly soliciting to be admitted to the Mysteries and Privileges of our Order.
IG — How does he hope to obtain these great and important privileges?
SD — By the help of God and the Tongue of Good Report.
IG — Is he properly prepared?
SD — He is.
IG — Wait, whilst I report to the Worshipful Master.
IG — (inside) Brother Junior Warden, without the door of the Lodge stands A.B., a poor Candidate in a state of indigence and darkness, who has been well and worthily recommended, duly proposed, balloted for, and accepted in open Lodge, and who now comes of his own free will and accord, humbly soliciting to be admitted to the Mysteries and Privileges of our Order.
JW — How does he hope to obtain these great and important privileges?
IG — By the help of God and the Tongue of Good Report.
JW — Is be properly prepared?
IG — He is.
JW — Wait, whilst I report to the Worshipful Master.
JW — Worshipful Master, without the door of the Lodge stands A.B., a poor Candidate in a state of indigence and darkness, who has been well and worthily recommended, duly proposed, balloted for, and accepted in open Lodge, and who now comes of his own free will and accord, humbly soliciting to be admitted to the Mysteries and Privileges of our Order.
WM — How does he hope to obtain these great and important privileges, Brother Junior Warden?
JW — By the help of God and the Tongue of Good Report.
WM — Is he properly prepared?
JW — Brother Inner Guard vouches that he is.
WM — Let him be admitted in the name of the Grand Architect of the Universe and placed in the West.
JW — Brother Inner Guard, you will admit the Candidate in the name of the Grand Architect of the Universe, and let him be placed in the West.
IG — (After admitting to the entrance of the Lodge, the outer door being closed, one candidate at a time) Can you see anything? Do you feel anything?
Cand. — Responds.
IG — As this is a prick to your flesh at this time, so may the remembrance of it be to your conscience hereafter, should you ever attempt improperly to reveal any of the Secrets with which you are about to be entrusted.
The Inner Guard should keep the point pressed to the left breast until the end of the sentence.
IG — Enter in the name of the Grand Architect of the Universe.
The Candidate is admitted.
IG — Brothers Deacons, you will place the Candidate in the West.
The other Candidate, who is in charge of the Junior Deacon, is admitted in the same manner.
WM — As no person can be admitted into our Order unless he be free by birth and of mature age, I have to demand of you — Are you free and of the full age of twenty-one years?
Cand. — (Responds without assistance.) I am.
WM — Do you declare upon your honour that unbiased by the improper solicitations of friends, and uninfluenced by mercenary or other unworthy motives, you freely and voluntarily offer yourself as a Candidate for the Mysteries and Privileges of our Order?
Cand. — (Responds without assistance.) I do.
WM — Do you also declare upon your honour that you are solely prompted to solicit those privileges by a preconceived opinion of our order, and a sincere desire of gaining such information as may render you more extensively useful to your fellow creatures?
Cand. — (Responds without assistance.) I do.
WM — Do you faithfully promise that avoiding fear on the one hand and rashness on the other, you will steadily preserve through the ceremony of your initiation, and being once admitted, you will abide by and strictly adhere to all the Ancient Laws, Landmarks, usages and customs of our Order?
Cand. — (Responds without assistance.) I do.
WM — Then, as all our ceremonies commence and close with prayer, you will kneel while the blessing of Heaven is invoked on your behalf.
The Candidate kneels.
WM — (or Chaplain) “Vouchsafe Thine aid, Almighty Father, Grand Architect of the Universe, to this our present convention. Grant that this Candidate for Masonry, now kneeling before Thee, may dedicate and devote his life to Thy Service, and become a true and faithful brother amongst us. To this end endue him with such a competency of Thy Divine Wisdom, that, assisted by the secrets of our Royal Masonic Art, he may be the better enabled to display the beauties of true godliness to the honour and glory of Thy Most Holy Name.”
All — So mote it be.
WM — A.B., it is now my duty to inform you that you are placed in a position of imminent peril and danger. At your n.l.b. is the p. of a d. Sw., so that if you attempt to rush forward on our Mysteries, you will be accessory to your own d. by st. At the same time, around your n. is a C.T., so that if you attempt to recede, you will incur a like risk by str. Placed in this awful position. I have to demand of you, In whom do you place your trust?
Cand. — (Responds without assistance.) In God.
WM — Right glad I am to find your faith so well founded, for where the name of God is invoked, we trust no evil will ensue. You may now arise and follow your conductors, with firm but humble confidence and fear no danger.
Candidate rises.
WM — Brothers Deacons, you will conduct the Candidate three times round the Lodge that the Brethren in the North, East, South and West may observe as he passes before them that he presents himself properly prepared.
On the second time round the Junior Warden leaves his seat and turns his back to the Candidate whose hand is guided by the Senior Deacon to strike three blows upon the Junior Warden’s shoulder. The Junior Warden then turns around.
JW — Brothers Deacons, whom have you there?
SD — A.B., a poor Candidate in a state of indigence and darkness, who has been well and worthily recommended, duly proposed, balloted for, and accepted in open Lodge, and who now comes of his own free will and accord, humbly soliciting to be admitted to the Mysteries and Privileges of our Order.
JW — How does he hope to obtain these great and important privileges?
SD — By the help of God and the Tongue of Good Report.
JW — Pass, good report.
On the third time round the Senior Warden goes through the same work as the Junior Warden.
SW — Brothers Deacons, whom have you there?
SD — A.B., a Poor Candidate in a state of indigence and darkness, who has been well and worthily recommended, duly proposed, balloted for, and accepted in open Lodge, and who now comes of his own free will and accord, humbly soliciting to be admitted to the Mysteries and Privileges of our Order.
SW — How does he hope to obtain these great and important privileges?
SD — By the help of God and the Tongue of Good Report.
SW — Is he properly prepared?
SD — He is.
SW — Brothers Deacons, let the Candidate face the East, whilst I report to the Worshipful Master.
Note. All replies are to be made by the Senior Deacon. The officers should speak audibly and distinctly to be heard by all.
SW — Worshipful Master, allow me to present to you A.B., a poor Candidate in a state of indigence and darkness, who has been well and worthily recommended, duly proposed, balloted for, and accepted in open Lodge, and who now comes of his own free will and accord, humbly soliciting to be admitted to the Mysteries and Privileges of our Order, for which purpose he presents himself properly prepared and which he hopes to obtain by the help of God and the tongue of good report.
WM — Brother Senior Warden, the tongue of good report has already reached me in the Candidate’s favour. I will attend to your presentation and address him myself.
WM — A.B., Masonry is free and requires a freedom of inclination to all its mysteries. It is founded upon the purest principles of Piety and Virtue, and possesses many great and inestimable privileges. To secure these privileges to worthy men (and we trust to worthy men alone) vows of fidelity are required, but these vows are in no way inconsistent with your several duties either as a civil, religious, or moral agent. You are to be a peaceable subject in the country in which you dwell, to obey the moral law, and to abide by and strictly adhere to all the Ancient Laws, Landmarks, usages and customs of our Order. How say you then? Are you ready and willing to enter into a solemn Obligation founded upon the principles I have now described to you?
Cand. — (Responds without assistance.) I am.
WM — Brothers Deacons, you will advance the Candidate to the Pedestal in the East, there to take in due form the solemn Obligation of an Entered Apprentice.
The Cable Tow is removed by the Senior Warden in the West before advancing.
WM — A.B., you will kneel on your left knee, bare and bent, your right foot forming a Square, your body being erect within that square, your left hand supporting the Volume of the Sacred Law, Compasses and Square, and your right hand placed thereon. In this position you will repeat audibly and distinctly after me, substituting your name at full length where I use mine.
The Candidate is placed in position.
WM — (without gloves) I ——, in the presence of the Grand Architect of the Universe and of this worthy and worshipful Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, duly constituted, regularly assembled, and properly dedicated, do of my own free will and accord, hereby and hereon, to wit the Holy Bible, Compasses and Square, most solemnly promise, vow and Swear that I will forever hele, keep and conceal, and never will reveal any or either of the Secret or Secrets, Mystery or Mysteries, Part or Parts, Point or Points of or at all belonging to Ancient, Free and Accepted Masonry, which shall be communicated to me at this time, may have been heretofore, or shall be hereafter, to anyone except a true and lawful Brother or Brethren, and not unto him or them until after due trial, strict examination, or a full conviction in my mind that he or they are worthy of my confidence, or in the body of a Lodge Just, Perfect and Regular.
I furthermore do Swear that this concealment shall extend not only to oral communications, but to writing, painting, carving, engraving or in any other way delineating the Secrets of Masonry on anything movable or immovable, under the canopy of Heaven, whereby they may become legible or intelligible to anyone in the popular world not being a Mason. To all these several Part or Parts, Point or Points, I solemnly pledge fidelity, without hesitation, equivocation, or mental reservation whatever, under the no less a p., on the violation of any or either of them, than that of having m.t.c.a., (Here, the Inner Guard, who has come from the door touches the Candidate’s throat with the back of his dagger.) m.t.r.o. by the rts. and m.b.b in the s.s. of the s., a c. length from the s., where the t. e. and f. twice in the natural day, or until this horrible punishment shall be inflicted, the less dreadful (but equally effectual one to an honourable man) of being forever branded as a perjured and worthless individual, unfit for the society of men, more especially so of Masons, amongst whom honour and virtue rank preeminent to titles and riches. So help me God and keep me steadfast in this my solemn Obligation, being that of an Entered Apprentice Mason.
WM — To render this solemn Obligation binding upon you to the latest hour of your existence, you will seal it upon the Volume of the Sacred Law with your lips.
Cand. — (Seals Obligation.)
WM — Rise, duly obligated Brother Entered Apprentice Mason, for by that endearing title I am now permitted to address you.
Cand. — (Rises.)
WM — Having been for some time in a state of darkness, what is now the most ardent wish of your heart?
The Deacons should allow the Candidate to answer the question for himself, if possible.
Cand. — Light.
WM — Then, Brothers Deacons, you will conduct the Candidate to the West, where, in due time the blessing of material light shall be restored.
The Candidate should be instructed to kneel when he arrives in the West and to place his hands upon the open Holy Bible, etc.
When the Candidate is ready to be restored to light, the six Brethren with Swords (held horizontally throughout) and Inner Guard are placed in proper position (which should be forming part of a circle). The Worshipful Master strikes once with his gavel and all rise.
WM — And God said. “Let there be light, and there was light.”
One stroke on Gong.
All sit except those round the Candidate.
WM — Brother A.B., having been restored to the blessing of material light, your attention as directed to the Three Great Emblematic lights in Masonry, which lie before you — the Holy Bible, Compasses and Square. They are the unerring standards of Truth and Justice, and from them we learn the duty we owe to God, our neighbor and ourselves. From the Holy Bible, to rule and govern our faith, the Square to square our actions by that faith, and the Compasses to circumscribe our thoughts and actions by the divine precepts therein contained. Your attention is also directed to the Three Grand Luminaries or Lesser Lights, which are situated in the South, West and East, and figuratively represent the Sun, the Moon, and Worshipful Master; the Sun to rule the day, the Moon to govern the night, and Worshipful Master to rule and govern his lodge with regularity and propriety by enlightening his Brethren in Masonry, in silence and secrecy. We place no light in the North as the Sun never darts its rays from that inhospitable quarter in this hemisphere, and it therefore figuratively represents the region of darkness.
The appearance of the Brethren around is not intended to alarm or intimidate, but to teach you that, if you remain true to the trust this evening reposed in you and keep faithfully all that is committed to your charge, the Sword of every Brother will be ready to start from its scabbard in your defence, but, if you betray us, every Mason’s hand will be raised against you; you will become as an Ishmaelite amongst us, perjury will stamp her brand of infamy upon your forehead, the finger of scorn will ever be pointed at you as the faithless and unworthy steward, curses will supply the place of blessings, until at last, unable to bear the hiss of universal contempt, which will everywhere tingle in your ears, you will be ready to exclaim in the agony of spirit of Cain, the first-born, “My punishment is greater than I can bear.”
The Circle of Swords by which you are surrounded is also emblematic of the universality of Masonry, for, wherever it shall please the will of Providence to cast your lot, whether you sojourn in civilized Europe, visit the icebound regions of the north or languish under the burning sun on the trackless sand of an African desert, whether you traverse the banks of the Nile, the Ganges, the Euphrates, or Mississippi, whether you dwell amid the immeasurable wilds of the scattered Indian tribes across the mighty Atlantic, among the wandering Arabs, roaming Tartars, or far distant Chinese, aye, even on the battlefield itself, you will everywhere find a Brother, who will greet you in the universal language of Masonry, his door will be open to receive you, his couch ready to rest your weary limbs, your parched lips will kiss his sparkling cup, and his bread will be broken with you with that true Brotherly Love, which in every place shows itself characteristic of our Order. Thus over the whole surface of the globe, by means of Signs and Tokens, which have been carefully preserved and handed down amongst Masons from the remotest ages, you will in every nation find a Brother, and in every clime a home.
WM — Brethren, I thank you for your assistance. Please be seated.
WM — Let the Candidate rise.
Candidate rises.
WM — Brothers Deacons, you will advance the Candidate to the Northeast corner of the Lodge and instruct him in the use of the Working Tools of an Entered Apprentice.
Deacons — (Conduct Candidate.)
SD — The Working Tools of an Entered Apprentice are the Mallet and Chisel and the 24-inch Gauge, and are thus used by the Operative Mason: (Three raps are given on the top of the Rough Ashlar, the Chisel being held firmly in the hand. The length, breadth and depth should be measured.)
The Candidate should afterwards be placed at the Northeast corner of the Lodge-board, facing the Worshipful Master.
SD — Worshipful Master, your commands are obeyed.
WM — Brother A.B., the Working Tools of an Entered Apprentice are the Mallet and Chisel, and the 24-inch Gauge.
The Mallet and Chisel are used by the Operative Mason to strike off rude and imperfect parts of the stone, but we, as speculative Masons, apply them to strike off all rude and imperfect parts from our thoughts and actions.
From the Mallet we learn that skill without exertion is of little avail and that labour is the lot of man, and from the Chisel that perseverance is necessary to establish perfection.
The 24-inch Gauge is used by the Operative Mason to measure his work, but we apply it to our time. Being divided into twenty-four equal parts, it figuratively represents the twenty-four hours of the day, which our ancient Brethren divided into regular portions, part for labour, part for rest and refreshment, and part for the service of Almighty God and thus, by a regular division of our time, many important advantages may be obtained.
You now stand before me as an upright man and a Mason, and I exhort you in the most emphatic terms ever to continue and act as such, but as yet I have had nothing except promises from you. I shall therefore put your principles in some measure to the test by calling upon you to exercise that virtue which may justly be denominated the distinguishing characteristic of a Mason’s heart. I mean Charity. I need not here dilate upon its excellencies, for doubtless it has often been practised by you; suffice it to say that it has the approbation of Heaven and Earth, and like its sister, Mercy, is twice blessed; it blesseth him that gives and him that takes. In a Society so widely extended as Masonry, whose branches are spread over the whole globe, and under whose banner are enrolled Emperors, Kings, Princes, Nobles and a vast number of others into whose lap Fortune has poured riches in abundance, there are, it cannot be denied, many Brethren who have drunk deeply of the cup of affliction, aye, even to its very dregs. On behalf of such as these, my Brother, as well as of our various Masonic Charities, it is our usual custom to excite the sympathy of every newly initiated Candidate. Rest assured that whatever you may feel disposed to give will be thankfully received and properly applied. Our Hon. Past Master will wait upon you for any donation you may be disposed to give.
PM — (Approaches Candidate with plate) By command of the Worshipful Master, I wait upon you for any donation you may feel disposed to make.
The Candidate should be left to answer for himself; if possible.
Cand. — Responds that he was deprived of all valuables.
PM — Would you give if you had anything?
Cand. — (Responds without assistance.) I would.
PM — Worshipful Master, the Candidate is unable to comply with your request, but would do so if he could.
WM — I congratulate you upon the honourable sentiments by which you are actuated, and in the present instance, upon your inability to gratify them. Believe me, this trial was not made with a view to trifling with your feelings, but for three special reasons.
The first is to prove that you had brought nothing offensive or defensive into the Lodge which might disturb its harmony or endanger its safety, for had you done so, the ceremony of your initiation thus far must have been repeated, and I should have had the unpleasant duty of reproving my Deacons for their neglect.
The second reason is that at the building of King Solomon’s Temple at Jerusalem. there was not heard the sound of hammer, axe, or any other metal tool, so that (as sacred record informs us) it should not be polluted, for on Mount Zion naught existed but harmony and peace.
The third reason is that at any future time you should meet with a poor and distressed Brother asking assistance, you may call to mind the time when you stood at the Northeast corner of the Lodge, a type of wretchedness and poverty, without a farthing in the world, and will then perhaps be ready to relieve him as far as your means will allow. But, my Brother, you are not called upon to expend your time or your money to the injury of yourself, your family or connections, least of all are your required to give to others when you are yourself in debt. That would not be charity, but ostentation, nay worse, it would be injustice. First be just, and then be generous, for if you do not keep this maxim in view, you may bestow all your goods to feed the poor, and give your body to be burned and it will profit you nothing, but become as sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal.
I am now permitted to inform you that there art three Degrees in Craft Masonry, with peculiar Secrets appertaining to each. These are never indiscriminately given but reserved for Candidates, according to their merit and ability. This is the reason why you will find some who have placed their feet only upon the threshold of our Order, but wanting knowledge and perseverance have never been able to penetrate into the glorious building, but as Entered Apprentices remain ignorant of the mighty spendours blazing forth in the interior of the Temple. By patience and industry the highest honours are to be obtained. We have no concealment from those who are worthy of the light, and step by step we shall greet you in your search for Masonic wisdom. In due time we hold out to you the hand of a Fellow Craft, and trust you will make such progress as will entitle you to be raised to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason. Then will the full glory of our mysterious light shine upon you as a Mason.
As an earnest, that you shall at all times receive the due reward of your labour, our Hon. Past Master will put you in possession of the Secrets peculiar to this degree.
The Past Master stands opposite the Candidate who faces South.
PM — (without gloves) Brother A.B., I have pleasure in obeying the commands of the worshipful Master to put you in possession of the Secrets peculiar to this Degree, or those Signs and Tokens by which Masons are known to each other by night or by day. I must premise for your general information that all squares, levels and perpendiculars are true and proper Signs by which to know a Mason. You will therefore stand perfectly erect, your feet in the form of a Square, the position of your body being emblematic of the uprightness of your mind, and that of your feet of the rectitude of your actions. You will now take a short pace with your left foot, and bring your right heel into the hollow. This is the First Regular Step in Masonry and it is in this position that the Secrets of the Degree are communicated. They consist of a Sign, Token and Word.
The Sign is given by placing the left hand thus — (sufficiently high) and holding your right hand over it this — with the thumb extended in the form of a Square. It was in this position, you will remember, you took the solemn Obligation of an Entered Apprentice Mason, your left hand supporting the Volume of Sacred Law, Compasses and Square, and your right hand placed thereon. You will now drop your left hand to the side. and bring your right hand (with the thumb still extended) to the left of the windpipe. You will now draw it smartly across your throat and let it fail to your side. This is the Penal Sign and alludes to the penalty of your Obligation, wherein you swore that you would rather etc.
This Sign demands a Grip or Token which is given by a distinct pressure. etc. always with due guard to prevent any unqualified person etc.
This Grip demands a Word, a Word highly prized among Masons as a safeguard to their privileges. Too much care cannot be taken in communicating it. I must now, however, give it to you. The word is ——. It was the name of the l.h.p. at the entrance porch at King Solomon’s Temple, and was also the name of the Great Grandfather of David, a Prince and Ruler in Israel. It means, “In it is Strength.” If you are asked for this word you must say: “At my . . .,” and always make your questioner begin. You must never give it in full except in a tyled Lodge, or when entering to the Inner Guard in a whisper.
It is by this Step and Sign you stand to Order in this Degree and salute the Worshipful Master between the Pillars in the West.
The Candidate should be instructed to place his right hand at full length in front of him (in accordance with Ancient Bristol custom) in saluting, or when called to Order, in allusion to the position of the right hand when taking the solemn Obligation, also to have his feet in proper position.
PM — Worshipful Master, your commands are obeyed.
WM — Brothers Deacons, you will conduct the Candidate to the Junior and Senior Wardens for trial and approval.
Deacons — (Conduct Candidate.)
JW — (without gloves) Whom have you there?
SD — Brother A.B., for trial and approval.
JW — I will thank Brother A.B. to advance to me as an Entered Apprentice.
JW — That step demands a Sign: will you give me that Sign?
That Sign demands a Grip, will you give me that Grip?
That Grip demands a Word, will you give me that Word?
JW — Pass, — (in full.)
SW — Whom have you there?
SW — Brother A.B., for trial and approval.
SW — I will thank Brother A.B. to advance to me as an Entered Apprentice.
SW — That step demands a Sign: will you give me that Sign?
That Sign demands a Grip, will you give me that Grip?
That Grip demands a Word, will you give me that Word?
SW — Brothers Deacons, let the Candidate face the East, whilst I report to the Worshipful Master.
SW — Worshipful Master, allow me to recommend to you Brother A.B. who has been regularly admitted into Masonry for some further mark of your favour.
WM — Brother Senior Warden, it always affords me much pleasure to attend to your recommendations. You will therefore send your Deacon to me for the distinguishing Badge of our Order, and I delegate you to invest the Candidate therewith, giving him at the same time a suitable admonition.
SW — It is with pleasure that I obey the commands of the Worshipful Master to invest you with this distinguishing Badge of our Order. It is made of the skin of the lamb, pure and spotless, an emblem of innocence, a token of friendship, and a pledge of peace. It is more ancient than the Golden Fleece or Roman Eagle, more honourable than the Star and Garter, or any other Order that Prince or Potentate can confer upon you except it be to a higher degree in Masonry; and while you observe the precepts it is intended to convey, it will ever reflect honour upon you as its wearer, and, if no act of yours disgrace it, be assured it will never disgrace you. I also present you with these gloves, which from their colour, denote purity.
SW — Brothers Deacons, let the Candidate face the East whilst I report to the Worshipful Master.
SW — Worshipful Master, your commands are obeyed.
WM — Brother A.B., let me add to what has been so ably said by my Brother Senior Warden, that you are never to clothe yourself with that Badge should you unfortunately be at variance with any member of the Lodge. In such cases, it will be your duty, as Junior member, to request him to retire with you for the purpose of reconciling your differences. This having been so happily effected, you may both return to the Lodge, and work with that harmony which is so characteristic of our Order. If, however, your differences are of such a nature as not to be thus easily adjusted, it would be better that one or both of you should withdraw than the peace of the Lodge should be disturbed by your presence.
WM — Brothers Deacons, you will advance the Candidate to the Northeast corner of the Lodge.
WM — Brother A.B., it is customary at the erection of all stately and superb edifices to lay the foundation stone in the Northeast comer of the intended building. You being newly admitted into our Order are placed in the Northeast corner of the Lodge, and figuratively represent that stone. We trust that on this foundation this night laid a moral superstructure may be raised, perfect in all its parts, and honourable alike to yourself and the Masonic body.
WM — You may now retire and reinvest yourself with those personal comforts of which you have been so long deprived, and return to the lodge for further instruction.
On his return, and after saluting, the Candidate is directed by the Worshipful Master to take a seat at the table. He reaches it by the West of the table.
WM — Brother A.B., during the ceremony of your initiation, you were entrusted with certain Signs and Tokens and a Word which you were told was highly prized among Masons. During your temporary absence I have caused writing materials to be placed upon the table, as it is usual to test the memory of ail newly initiated Candidates into Masonry. Will you write that word?
If the Candidate refuses to write, the Worshipful Master continues:
WM — I congratulate you upon the close attention you have given to the instruction you have received.
Should the Candidate attempt to write the word, the Director of Ceremonies, who crept up quietly on his right, prevents him from doing so with his left hand, while releasing a catch at the side of the writing desk with his right hand. This opens the lid which contains a painting of a man with his throat cut across and the devil standing near, laughing at him. Simultaneously, the Assistant Director of Ceremonies, who has crept up quietly on the Candidate’s left side, delivers a loud bang on his gong, and the organist ploys a loud chord on the organ.
WM — Have you so soon forgotten the penalty of your Obligation, etc.? Never be thrown off your guard.
WM — Do you intend on becoming a subscribing Member of this Lodge?
Cand. — (Responds without assistance.) I do.
WM — Then you will advance to the Secretary’s table and Sign the Bylaws and Roll of Members.
WM — Brother A.B., I present you with a copy of the Book of Constitutions, and the By-laws of this Lodge, both of which I recommend you to study carefully.
Should the Charge be given, it is to be delivered at this point by the Worshipful Master, or any brother deputed by him.
Closing an Entered Apprentices Lodge
WM — Brethren, assist me to close this Lodge.
WM — Brother Junior Warden, what is the last as well as the first and constant care of every Mason?
JW — To see the Lodge closely tyled, Worshipful Master.
WM — You will direct that duty to be performed.
JW — Brother Inner Guard, you will prove the Lodge closely tyled.
IG — ❗❗❗
Tyler — ❗❗❗
IG — Brother Junior Warden, the Lodge is closely tyled.
JW — Worshipful Master, your commands are obeyed.
WM — Brother Senior Warden, what is the next care?
SW — To see the Brethren to Order as Entered Apprentice Masons, Worshipful Master.
WM — Brethren, to Order as Entered Apprentice Masons.
WM — Brother Senior Warden, where is your constant place in the Lodge?
SW — In the West, Worshipful Master.
WM — And why are you so placed?
SW — As the Sun disappears in the West to close the most glorious day, so is the Senior Warden placed in the West to close the Lodge by command of the Worshipful Master, first seeing that every Brother has received the due reward of his labour.
WM — Then Brethren, the Lodge being thus duly formed, before I give my Brother Senior Warden directions for closing it, let us return thanks to the Grand Architect of the Universe for mercies already received.
WM (or Chaplain) — May He continue to cement and adorn our Order with every moral and social virtue.
All — So mote it be.
WM — Brother Senior Warden, you have now my commands to declare this Lodge of Entered Apprentice Masons closed in the name of the Grand Architect of the Universe, until our next regular night of meeting, emergencies excepted, of which every member shall receive due and timely notice.
WM — ❗❗❗ (Sits)
SW — Brethren, in the name of the Grand Architect of the Universe and by the command of the Worshipful Master, I declare this Lodge of Entered Apprentice Masons closed in the name of the Grand Architect of the Universe, until our next regular night of meeting, emergencies excepted, of which every member shall receive due and timely notice.
SW — ❗❗❗ (Lowers column)
Here the Immediate Past Master closes the Volume of Sacred Law.
JW — Closed accordingly.
JW — ❗❗❗ (Raises column)
IG — ❗❗❗
Tyler — ❗❗❗
IPM — Brethren, nothing now remains but that according to ancient and laudable custom, we lock up such Secrets of Masonry as have been entrusted to us in the safe and sacred repository of our hearts with (Sign) Fidelity — Fidelity — Fidelity. May the Grand Architect of the Universe ever be with us. So mote it be.
All — So mote it be.

Second Degree
Examination of an Entered Apprentice
WM — Our business this evening is to pass Brother A.B. to the Second Degree or that of a Fellow Craft, but before doing so I must ascertain his proficiency in the former Degree.
WM — Brothers Deacons, you will place the Candidate between the pillars in the West.
Questions and Answers
Q.1 — Where were you first prepared to be made a Mason?
Ans. — In my heart.
Q.2 — Where next?
Ans. — In a convenient room adjoining the Lodge.
Q.3 — How were you prepared?
Ans. — I was deprived of all metals, hoodwinked, a Cable Tow placed around my neck, my left arm, left breast and left knee made bare, and my right heel slip shod.
Q.4 — Upon what were you admitted?
Ans. — The point of a sharp instrument placed to my naked left breast.
Q.5. — Where were you made a Mason?
Ans. — In the body of a Lodge, Just Perfect and Regular.
Q.6. — Why were you made a Mason?
Ans. — For the purpose of obtaining the Secrets of the Order, and thereby gaining such information as may enable me to render myself more extensively useful to my fellow creatures.
Q.7 — When were you made a Mason?
Ans. — When the Sun was at its meridian.
Q.8 — How do you explain this apparent paradox, Masons in this country being generally made in the evening or by artificial light?
Ans. — The Sun being the centre of our system, and the earth revolving on its axis once in 24 hours, and Masonry being universal, it necessarily follows that the Sun must have been at its meridian in some part of the world, when I was made a Mason.
Q.9 — What is Masonry?
Ans. — A beautiful system of morality, veiled in allegory and illustrated by symbols.
Q.10 — How do you know yourself to be a Mason?
Ans. — By the regularity of my initiation, by repeated trials and approvals, and by my readiness at all times to undergo examination, when properly called upon to do so.
Q.11 — What are the three Grand Principles of Masonry?
Ans. — Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth.
Q.12. — Who are fit and proper persons to be made Masons?
Ans. — Just and upright men, free by birth, of mature age, sound judgment and strict morality.
WM — Brethren, you have heard the examination of the Candidate. Do you approve of it?
All Clap.
WM — Brother A.B., do you pledge me your word of honour that, if you are entrusted with the means of obtaining admission to a Fellow Craft Lodge, you will return and steadily persevere through the ceremony of being passed to the Second Degree, or that of a Fellow Craft, and that you will conceal whatever may be made known to you previous to your Obligation?
WM — Then, Brother Senior Warden, I delegate you to entrust the Candidate with the Pass Grip and Pass Word, leading to a Fellow Craft Lodge.
SW — The Pass Grip leading to a Fellow Craft Lodge is given by a distinct pressure, etc., and the Pass Word is ——, being depicted on the Trestle Board by an ear of corn, and a fall of water (denoting plenty).
SW — Brothers Deacons, let the Candidate face the East whilst I report to the Worshipful Master.
SW — Worshipful Master, your commands are obeyed.
WM — Brothers Deacons, you will retire and see that the Candidate is properly prepared.
The Lodge is opened in the Second Degree.
Opening Fellow Crafts Lodge
WM — Brethren, assist me to open a Fellow Craft Lodge.
WM Brother Junior Warden, what is the first and constant care of every Fellow Craft Mason?
JW — To see the Lodge properly tyled, Worshipful Master.
WM — You will direct that duty to be performed.
JW — Brother Inner Guard, you will see the Lodge properly tyled.
IG — ❗ ❗ ❗
Tyler — ❗ ❗ ❗
IG — Brother Junior Warden, that duty is performed.
JW — Worshipful Master, your commands are obeyed.
WM — Brother Senior Warden, what is the next care?
SW — To see the Brethren to Order, as Entered Apprentice Masons, Worshipful Master.
WM — Brethren, to Order as Entered Apprentice Masons.
WM — Brother Junior Warden, are you a Fellow Craft?
JW — I am, Worshipful Master, try me and prove me.
WM — By what will you be tried?
JW — By the Square.
WM — What is a Square?
JW — An instrument of Architecture forming an angle of 90 degrees or the fourth part of a circle.
WM — Then, Brother Junior Warden, being so well acquainted with the mode yourself, you will prove the Brethren to be Fellow Crafts by the threefold Sign, and demonstrate that proof to me by copying their example.
JW — Brethren, by command of the Worshipful Master, you will prove yourselves to be Fellow Craft Masons by the threefold Sign.
Note. This should be given thus:— Penal Sign, Sign of Fidelity, and then Hailing Sign. On resuming the normal position the Penal Sign should not be repeated.
JW — Worshipful Master, the Brethren, having proved themselves Fellow Craft Masons by the threefold Sign, I, in obedience to your commands, demonstrate that proof to you by copying their example.
WM — And I acknowledge the correctness of that Sign.
WM — Brethren, the Lodge being thus formed, before I declare it open, let us invoke a blessing from the Grand Geometrician of the Universe.
WM (or Chaplain) — May the rays of Heaven shed their benign influence upon us and enlighten us in the paths of Virtue and Science.
All — So mote it be.
WM — “And the Gileadites took passages of Jordan before the Ephraimites: and it was so that when those Ephraimites where were escaped said, Let us go over that the men of Gilead said unto him, Art thou an Ephraimite? if he said Nay, then said they unto him, Say now Shibboleth and he said Sibboleth for he could not frame to pronounce it right Then they took him and slew him at the passages of Jordan; and there fell at that time of the Ephraimites forty and two thousand.” (Joshua 12:5-6)
WM — Brethren, in the name of the Grand Geometrician of the Universe, I declare this Lodge of Fellow Craft Masons open on the Square.
WM — ❗~❗❗ (Sits)
Here the Immediate Past Master changes the position of the Compasses, one point being hidden.
SW — ❗~❗❗
JW — ❗~❗❗
IG — ❗~❗❗
Tyler — ❗~❗❗
Second Degree or Ceremony of Passing
SD — (outside) ❗❗❗
IG — (inside) Brother Junior Warden, there is a report.
JW — You will see who seeks admission.
IG — (outside) Whom have you there?
SD — Brother A.B., who has been regularly initiated into Masonry, served his full time as an Entered Apprentice, and has made such progress as he hopes will entitle him to some further work of the Worshipful Master’s favour, by passing him from the Second Degree, or that of a Fellow Craft, for which purpose he presents himself properly prepared.
IG — How does he hope to obtain these great and important privileges?
SD — By the help of God, the aid of the Lodge and the benefit of the Pass Grip and Pass Word.
IG — Is he in possession of the Pass Grip and Pass Word?
SD — He is.
IG — (removing gloves) Then let him give them to me.
Cand. — (Gives them.)
IG — Wait whilst I report to the Officer of the Worshipful Master.
IG — (inside) Brother Junior Warden, without the door of the Lodge stands Brother A.B., who has been regularly initiated into Masonry, served his full time as an Entered Apprentice, and has made such progress as he hopes will entitle him to some further work of the Worshipful Master’s favour, by passing him from the Second Degree, or that of a Fellow Craft, for which purpose he presents himself properly prepared.
JW — How does he hope to obtain these great and important privileges?
IG — By the help of God, the aid of the Lodge and the benefit of the Pass Grip and Pass Word.
JW — Is he in possession of the Pass Grip and Pass Word?
IG — He is.
JW — Wait, whilst I report to the Worshipful Master.
JW — Worshipful Master, without the door stands Brother A.B., who has been regularly initiated into Masonry, served his full time as an Entered Apprentice, and has made such progress as he hopes will entitle him to some further work of the Worshipful Master’s favour, by passing him from the Second Degree, or that of a Fellow Craft, for which purpose he presents himself properly prepared.
WM — How does he hope to obtain these great and important privileges?
JW — By the help of God, the aid of the Lodge and the benefit of the Pass Grip and Pass Word.
WM — Is he in possession of the Pass Grip and Pass Word?
JW — The Brother Inner Guard vouches that he is.
WM — Let him be admitted in the name of the Grand Geometrician of the Universe and placed in the West.
JW — Brother Inner Guard, you will admit the Candidate in the name of the Grand Geometrician of the Universe, and let him be placed in the West.
IG — (After admitting to the entrance of the Lodge, and applying the Square horizontally on the naked right breast, covering the heart) Enter in the name of the Grand Geometrician of the Universe.
IG — Brothers Deacons, you will place the Candidate in the West.
WM — Brother A.B., as all our ceremonies commence and close with prayer, you will kneel while the blessing of Heaven is invoked on your benefit.
Cand. — (Kneels.)
WM (or Chaplain) — “We supplicate the continuance of Thy Divine aid, most Munificent God, on behalf of ourselves, and of him now kneeling before Thee. Grant that the work begun in Thy Name may be continued to Thy Glory. Enlighten his mind in the hidden secrets of Nature and Science and enable him to trace Thee out in all Thy wonderful works, to Thy Everlasting Glory and the benefit and welfare of his fellow creatures.”
All — So mote it be.
WM — Let the Candidate rise.
Cand. — (Rises.)
WM — Brothers Deacons, you will conduct the Candidate three times round the Lodge, the first time giving me the Sign of an Entered Apprentice, the second time the Token and Word of an Entered Apprentice, and the third time the Pass Grip and Pass Word leading to a Fellow Craft Lodge, which last he will also give to my Brother Senior Warden in the West.
SW — Whom have you there?
SD — Brother A.B., who has been regularly initiated into Masonry, served his full time as an Entered Apprentice, and has made such progress as he hopes will entitle him to some further work of the Worshipful Master’s favour, by passing him from the Second Degree, or that of a Fellow Craft, for which purpose he presents himself properly prepared, and which he hopes to obtain by the help of God, the aid of the Lodge and the benefit of the Pass Grip and Pass Word.
SW — (without gloves) I will thank Brother A.B. to give me the Pass Grip and Pass Word leading to a Fellow Craft Lodge.
Cand. — (Gives them.)
SW — Brothers Deacons, let the Candidate face the East, whilst I report to the Worshipful Master.
SW — Worshipful Master, allow me to present to you Brother A.B., who has been regularly initiated into Masonry, served his full time as an Entered Apprentice, and has made such progress as he hopes will entitle him to some further work of the Worshipful Master’s favour, by passing him from the Second Degree, or that of a Fellow Craft, for which purpose he presents himself properly prepared, and which he hopes to obtain by the help of God, the aid of the Lodge and the benefit of the Pass Grip and Pass Word.
WM — We acknowledge the powerful aid by which the Candidate seeks advancement in our Order. I will attend to your presentation and address him myself.
WM — Brother A.B., Masonry is a progressive science and is divided into different classes or degrees for the more regular advancement in the knowledge of its Mysteries. According to the progress we make, we extend our energies and in proportion to our talents we attain to a less or greater degree of perfection. Under the veil of its Mysteries, Masonry includes almost every branch of polite learning. Its illustrations may appear unimportant to the confined capacity, but the man of more enlarged ideas will consider them in the highest degree useful and interesting. To please the accomplished scholar and ingenious artist, the institution is wisely planned and in the investigation of its latent doctrines, the philosopher and mathematician may experience equal satisfaction and delight. To exhaust the various subjects of which Masonry treats would transcend the powers of the brightest genius; still, however near he approaches to perfection, the man of wisdom will not check the progress of his abilities. Though the task he attempts may at first seem insurmountable, perseverance and application will remove every difficulty as it occurs. At each step he advances, new pleasures will open to his view, and instruction of the noblest kind attend his researches.
In the diligent pursuit of knowledge great discoveries are made, and the intellectual faculties are wisely employed in promoting the Glory of God and the good of man. Such is the tendency of all the illustrations in Masonry. Reverence of the Deity and gratitude for the blessing of Providence are inculcated in every degree.
The First Degree is intended to enforce the duties of morality and imprint on the memory the noblest principles which can adorn the human mind.
The Second Degree extends the plan and comprehends a more diffusive system of knowledge. Practice and Theory are here united to qualify the industrious Mason to share the pleasures which advancement in the Art necessarily affords. Listening with attention to the wise opinions of experienced men on important subjects, the mind of the Craftsman is gradually familiarised to useful instruction, and he is soon enabled to investigate truth of the utmost concern in the general transactions of life.
From this system proceeds a rational employment, for while the mental powers are fully engaged, the judgment is properly exercised, a spirit of emulation prevails and every Brother vies who shall excel in promoting the design of our time-honoured Institution.
In this Degree a further Obligation is required which, like the one preceding is in no way inconsistent with your several duties as a civil, religious, or moral agent. You are to keep inviolate the Secrets of this Degree from anyone who is but an Entered Apprentice as you would those of an Entered Apprentice from anyone in the popular world not being a Mason. How say you then? Are you ready and willing to enter into the solemn Obligation of a Fellow Craft, founded upon the principles I have now explained to you?
Cand. — (Responds without assistance.) I am.
WM — Brothers Deacons, you will advance the Candidate to the Pedestal in the East, there to take in due form the solemn Obligation of a Fellow Craft.
The Candidate is advanced.
WM — Brother A.B., you will kneel on your right knee, bare and bent, your left foot forming a Square with your body being erect, within that Square, your right hand placed upon the Volume of the Sacred Law, Compasses and Square, and your left hand supported by the Square. In this position you will repeat audibly and distinctly after me, substituting your name at full length where I use mine.
The Junior Deacon supports the left arm with the Square and sees that the Candidate holds his left hand in the form of a Square with the palm to the front.
WM — (without gloves) I ——, in the presence of the Grand Geometrician of the Universe and of this worthy and worshipful Lodge of Fellow Craft Masons, regularly assembled and open on the Square do, of my own free will and accord, hereby and hereon, to wit the Holy Bible, Compasses and Square, most solemnly promise, vow and swear that I will forever hele, keep and conceal, and never will reveal any or either of the Secret or Secrets, Mystery or Mysteries, Part or Parts, Point or Points of or at all belonging to the Second Degree, or that of a Fellow Craft to him who is but an Entered Apprentice, as those of an Entered Apprentice to anyone in the popular world, not being a Mason; and that I will impart them to none except a true and lawful Brother Fellow Craft or Fellow Crafts, and not unto him or them until after due trial, strict examination, or a full conviction in my mind that he or they are worthy of my confidence, or in the body of a Fellow Craft’s Lodge, duly open on the Square.
I furthermore do swear that I will attend and obey all Signs and Summonses that may be sent to me from a Fellow Craft Lodge, of which I am a member, if within the length of my Cable Tow, unless prevented by sickness or the pressing emergencies of my public or private avocations; that I will aid and assist a Brother Fellow Craft Mason in distress, provided I find him worthy and deserving of my confidence and can do so without injury to myself, my family or connection.
To all these several Part or Parts, Point or Points, I solemnly pledge fidelity, without hesitation, equivocation, or mental reservation whatever, under the no less a p., on the violation of any or either of them, than that of having m.b.t.o., and m.h.t.t and p. on the highest pinnacle of the Temple, there to be delivered to r.v. of the air, as a w. to all faithless Fellow Crafts who shall split on the false rock of infidelity. So help me God and keep me steadfast in this my solemn Obligation, being that of a Fellow Craft Mason.
WM — To render this solemn Obligation binding upon you to the latest hour of your existence, you will seal it upon the Volume of the Sacred Law twice with your lips.
Cand. — (Seals Obligation.)
WM — Rise, duly obligated Brother Fellow Craft Mason.
Cand. — (Rises.)
WM — Your progress in Masonry is marked by the position of the points of the Compasses and the Square. In the First Degree, both points were hidden beneath the Square indicating your ignorance of the Order. You are now permitted to behold one point above the Square (The Square and Compasses are displayed by the Worshipful Master), signifying that you are midway in Craft Masonry, in a Degree superior to the First but inferior to the Third or Sublime Degree of a Master Mason, to which I trust in due course you will attain.
WM — Brothers Deacons, you will conduct the Candidate to the West.
Deacons — (Conduct Candidate.)
WM — Brother A.B., having taken the solemn Obligation of a Fellow Craft Mason, you are entitled to demand of me the distinguishing Signs appertaining to this Degree. There is a Sign, Token, and Word in this as well as in the former Degree. Each Degree has its peculiar Signs, which are, however, not indiscriminately given, but are reserved for Candidates according to their abilities. You have already been entrusted by my Brother Senior Warden with the Pass Grip and Pass Word leading to the Fellow Craft Lodge. That word dates its origin from the time when an army of Ephraimites crossed the River Jordan in a hostile manner. The reason they assigned for this unfriendly visit was that they had not been called out to partake of the honours of the Ammonitish war; but the true reason was that they had not shared in the rich spoils. The Ephraimites had long been turbulent and after many taunts to the Gileadites, in general, threatened to destroy their victorious Commander and his house by fire.
Jephthah, on his part, endeavoured by all lenient means to appease them; but finding these ineffectual, he had recourse to rigourous measures. He therefore drew forth his army, gave the Ephraimites battle, defeated and put them to flight. To render his victory more decisive, and to secure himself from the like molestation in the future, he caused detachments of his army to be placed on the passages of Jordan, over which he knew the insurgents must cross to regain their native country, giving strict injunctions to his guards that if any fugitives came that way owning themselves to be Ephraimites they were to be immediately slain; but, if they said “Nay,” or prevaricated, a test word was to be put to them which was to pronounce the word Sh∴. They, from a defect in aspiration peculiar to their country, could not frame to pronounce it aright, but said S∴, which slight variation discovered their country and cost them their lives. Sacred records inform us that there fell on the field of battle and at the passages of Jordan forty and two thousand Ephraimites; and as Sh∴ was then used as a Test W. to discern friend from foe, so King Solomon ordered it to be adopted as a Pass W. leading to a Fellow Craft Lodge to prevent any unqualified person from ascending the winding staircase which led to the inner or Middle Chamber of the Holy Temple.
WM — Brothers Deacons, you will conduct the Candidate to the South East corner of the Lodge and instruct him in the use of the Working Tools of a Fellow Craft Mason.
Deacons — (Conduct Candidate.)
SD — The Working Tools of a Fellow Craft are the Square, Level and Plumb Rule, and are thus used by the Operative Mason: (He demonstrates the use of each, the Candidate copying him. On the Perfect Ashlar, namely, the Square three times horizontally at the comers. The Level twice diagonally over the top, and the Plumb Rule once on the side nearest the East.)
The Candidate is afterwards placed at the Southeast corner of the Lodge-board, facing the Worshipful Master.
SD — Worshipful Master, your commands are obeyed.
WM — Brother A.B., when you were initiated into Masonry you were placed in the Northeast corner, where you were told it is customary to lay the foundation stone, and you figuratively represented that stone. You are now placed in the Southeast to mark the progress you have made in the Craft.
In the First Degree you were taught to work with the tools of an Entered Apprentice, and to prepare materials for the intended building; you are now permitted to use the Working Tools of a Fellow Craft, namely, the Square, Level and Plumb Rule, and to assist in raising the superstructure.
The Square is employed by the Operative Masons to adjust all irregular curves of the building, and in bringing rude matter into due form; the Level, to lay levels and prove horizontals; and the Plumb Rule to try and correct all uprights.
Your attention is more particularly directed to the moral symbolism, thus:— The Square teaches us to square our actions by the rule and line and to regulate our conduct by the principles of strict Morality and Virtue; to act on the Square with all mankind, but more especially with a Brother Mason; for although splendid monuments and pompous epitaphs may be the heralds of departed riches and power, yet it is Virtue alone that ennobles the mind and can procure lasting happiness wherein the grave shall give up its dead.
The Level demonstrates that we are all descended from the same stock, partake of the same nature, and share the same hope; and although distinctions among men are necessary to preserve subordination, yet no eminence of station should ever make us forget that we are Brethren, and that he who is placed on the lowest spoke of Fortune’s wheel may be entitled to our esteem and regard. For some time will come (and the wisest of us knows not how soon), when all distinctions save that of goodness shall cease, and Death, the grand leveler of human greatness, shall reduce us to the same state.
The Plumb admonishes us to be just and upright in all our actions, to hold the scale of Justice with equal poise, to observe the just medium between intemperance and pleasure, and to make our passions and prejudices coincide and plumb with the strict line of our duty.
Thus, by square conduct, level steps and upright intentions, we may at last ascend to that Heavenly Lodge from whence all goodness emanates.
In the First Degree you represented the Rough Ashlar (The Director of Ceremonies should point to the Rough Ashlar and Perfect Ashlar at the proper moment), a stone made and unformed as taken from the quarry; also the mind of Man in its infant state, rough and unpolished as that stone. You now represent the Perfect Ashlar, a stone squared and prepared for the building, and the mind of Man in its more perfect and educated condition.
You are now entitled to receive the emoluments of a Fellow Craft, namely, to take part in our deliberations and assist in giving instructions to an Entered Apprentice. As a reward for your attention I will call upon our Hon. Past Master to put you in possession of the Secrets appertaining to this Degree.
The Past Master stands opposite the Candidate who faces the North.
PM — (without gloves) Brother A.B., I have pleasure in obeying the commands of the Worshipful Master to put you in possession of the Secrets peculiar to this Degree. You will therefore advance to me as an Entered Apprentice by taking a short pace with your left foot, bringing your right heel into the hollow and give the Sign. You will now take a short pace with your right foot bringing the left heel to the hollow, thus ——. This is the Second Regular Step in Masonry and it is in this position the Secrets of the Degree are communicated. They consist of a Sign, Token and Word, but the Sign is of a threefold character. The first part of the threefold Sign is given by drawing the right hand across your breast in allusion to the penalty of your Obligation, wherein you swore that you would rather, etc., and is called the Penal Sign.
The second part is given by placing the right hand with the thumb in the form of a Square, upon the heart, and is called the Fiducial Sign, or Sign of Fidelity. It is emblematic of shielding the repository of your Secrets from the attacks of the curious.
The third part is given by raising the left arm thus — in the form of a Square, with the hand palm to the front and the thumb in the form of a Square, and is called the Hailing Sign. It took its rise when Joshua fought the battle of the Lord in the valley of Rephidim, the account of which the Worshipful Master (or Chaplain) will read.
The Brethren rise and stand during the reading.
WM (or Chaplain) — “Then came Amalek, and fought with Israel in Rephidim.
And Moses said unto Joshua, Choose us out men, and go out, fight with Amalek: tomorrow I will stand on the top of the hill with the rod of God in mine hand.
So Joshua did as Moses had said to him, and fought with Amalek: and Moses, Aaron, and Hur went up to the top of the hill.
And it came to pass, when Moses held up his hand, that Israel prevailed: and when he let down his hand, Amalek prevailed.
But Moses’ hands were heavy; and they took a stone, and put it under him, and he sat thereon; and Aaron and Hur stayed up his hands, the one on the one side, and the other on the other side; and his hands were steady until the going down of the sun.
And Joshua discomfited Amalek and his people with the edge of the sword.
And the Lord said unto Moses, Write this thing for a memorial in a book, and rehearse it in the ears of Joshua: for I will utterly put out the remembrance of Amalek from under heaven.” (Exodus 17:8-14)
PM — The Grip or Token is given by a distinct pressure, etc., covered with due guard. This Grip demands a Word, which should be given and received with the same caution as that of the former Degree. It should never be given at length but by letters or syllables. It is ——, and is the name of the r.h.p. at the entrance of King Solomon’s Temple, and of the Assistant Priest at the dedication of the Holy Temple. It means “To Establish” and when conjoined to BOAZ, “Stability” for God said, “In strength will I establish this mine house that my name may stand fast forever.”
It is by this Step and Sign you stand to Order in this Degree, and salute the Worshipful Master between in the Pillars in the West
PM — Worshipful Master, your commands are obeyed.
WM — Brothers Deacons, you will conduct the Candidate to the Junior and Senior Wardens for trial and approval. To the Junior Warden he will give the Pass Grip and Pass Word leading to a Fellow Craft Lodge, and to the Senior Warden the whole of the Secrets with which he has been entrusted.
Deacons — (Conduct Candidate.)
JW — (without gloves) Whom have you there?
SD — Brother A.B., for trial and approval.
JW — I will thank Brother A.B. to give me the Pass Grip and Pass or leading to a Fellow Craft Lodge.
JW — Pass, ——.
SW — (without gloves) Whom have you there?
SD — Brother A.B., for trial and approval.
SW — I will thank Brother A.B. to advance to me as a Fellow Craft, first as an Entered Apprentice, giving me the Sign.
Now as a Fellow Craft, giving me the Sign.
That Sign demands a Grip, will you give me that Grip?
That Grip demands a Word, will you give me that Word?
SW — Brothers Deacons, let the Candidate face the East, whilst I report to the Worshipful Master.
SW — Worshipful Master, allow me to recommend to you Brother A.B., who has been passed to the Second Degree or that of a Fellow Craft for some further work of your favour.
WM — Brother Senior Warden, it always affords me much pleasure to attend to your recommendations. I therefore delegate you to invest the Candidate with the distinguishing Badge of a Fellow Craft.
SW — (After investing with the Fellow Craft Apron, and turning flap down.) Brother A.B., in your capacity as a Fellow Craft you are permitted to wear two rosettes at the bottom on your apron to mark your advancement in Craft Masonry.
SW — Brothers Deacons, let the Candidate face the East whilst I report to the Worshipful Master.
SW — Worshipful Master, your commands are obeyed.
WM — Brother A.B., the Badge with which you have been invested points out that as a Craftsman you are expected to make the Liberal Arts and Sciences your study, and the better to enable you to discharge your duties as a Mason, and to estimate the wonderful works of the Almighty Creator.
Should the Charge be given it is to be delivered at this point by the Worshipful Master or by any Brother deputed by him.
WM — You may now retire and reinvest yourself with those personal comforts of which you have been so long deprived, or you may remain during the closing of the Lodge.
Closing a Fellow Crafts Lodge
Note. A Fellow Craft Lodge must never be closed without full ceremonial, except in case of great emergency.
WM — Brethren, assist me to close this Fellow Crafts Lodge.
WM — Brother Junior Warden, what is the last as well as the first and constant care of every Fellow Craft Mason?
JW — To prove the Lodge closely tyled. Worshipful Master.
WM — You will direct that duty to be performed.
JW — Brother Inner Guard, you will prove the Lodge closely tyled.
IG — ❗~❗❗
Tyler — ❗~❗❗
IG — Brother Junior Warden, the Lodge is closely tyled.
JW — Worshipful Master, your commands are obeyed.
WM — Brother Senior Warden, what is the next care?
SW — To see the Brethren to Order as Fellow Craft Masons, Worshipful Master.
WM — Brethren, to Order as Fellow Craft Masons.
WM — Brother Junior Warden, in your capacity as a Fellow Craft, what have you discovered?
JW — The Sacred Symbol, Worshipful Master.
WM — Where is it situated?
JW — In the centre of the building.
WM — To whom does it allude?
JW — To God, the Grand Geometrician of the Universe.
WM —(or Chaplain) Then, Brethren, let us remember that whosoever we are and whatsoever we do His All-Seeing Eye constantly beholds us, and whilst we discharge our duty to the Craft with Fidelity, may we not fail to discharge our duty to him with fervency and zeal.
All — So mote it be.
WM — Brother Senior Warden, our labours in this degree being ended, you have now my commands to declare this Lodge of Fellow Craft Mason’s closed in the Name of the Grand Geometrician of the Universe.
WM — ❗~❗❗ (Sits).
Here the Immediate Past Master changes the Compasses to the first position.
JW — Happy have we met,
Happy have we been,
Happy may we part.
And happy meet again.
JW — ❗~❗❗
IG — ❗~❗❗
Tyler — ❗~❗❗
IG — ❗❗❗
Tyler — ❗❗❗
Examination of a Fellow Craft
WM — Our business this evening is to raise Brother A.B. to the Third or Sublime Degree of a Master Mason; but before doing so I must ascertain his proficiency in the former Degrees.
WM — Brothers Deacons, you will place the Candidate between the pillars in the West
Questions and Answers
Q.1. — Where were you first prepared to be passed to the Second Degree or that of a Fellow Craft?
Ans. — In an Entered Apprentice Lodge, after due examination and approval.
Q.2. — How were you prepared?
Ans. — In a manner somewhat similar to the former Degree, except that I was not Hoodwinked, my right arm, right breast and right knee made bare, and my left heel slipshod.
Q.3. — Upon what were you admitted?
Ans — A Square placed to my naked right breast.
Q.4. — What is a Square?
Ans. — An instrument of Architecture forming an angle of 90 degrees, or the fourth part of a circle.
Q.5. — When were you passed to the Second Degree or that of a Fellow Craft?
Ans. — When the Sun was in the Western horizon.
Q.6 — And why at that particular hour?
Ans. — Because it was at that hour our Ancient Brethren went to receive their wages.
Q.7. — Where did they go to receive them?
Ans. — Into the Inner or Middle Chamber of King Solomon’s Temple at Jerusalem.
Q.8. — How did they receive them?
Ans. — Without scruple or diffidence.
Q.9. — And why in this peculiar manner?
Ans. — Without scruple knowing they were justly entitled to them, and without diffidence from the confidence they placed in the integrity of their employers in those days.
Q.10. — What are the objects of research in this Degree?
Ans. — The hidden Secrets of nature and Science.
Q.11. — How do you know yourself to be a Fellow Craft Mason?
Ans. — By having been regularly passed to that Degree in the body of a Fellow Craft Lodge, Just, Perfect and open on the Square.
Q.12. — How many Fellow Crafts form a Lodge?
Ans. — Five or more regularly passed Fellow Craft Masons.
Q.13. — What is the name of the left hand pillar at the entrance of King Solomon’s Temple, and what does it denote?
Ans. — BOAZ. “In it is Strength.”
Q.14. — What is the name of the right hand pillar, and what does it denote?
Ans. — JACHIN. “To Establish.”
Q.15. — What is their conjoint signification?
Ans. — Stability, for God said, “In strength will I establish this mine house that my name may stand fast for ever.”
WM — Brethren, you have heard the examination of the Candidate. Do you approve of it?
All clap.
WM — Brother A.B., do you pledge me your word of honour that, if you are entrusted with the means of obtaining admission to a Master Mason Lodge, you will return and steadily persevere through the ceremony of being raised to the Sublime or Third Degree of a Master Mason, and that you will conceal whatever may be made known to you previous to your Obligation?
Candidate so pledges.
WM — Then, Brother Senior Warden, I delegate you to entrust the Candidate with the Pass Grip and Pass Word, leading to a Master Mason Lodge.
SW — The Pass Grip leading to a Master Mason Lodge is given by a distinct pressure, etc. and the Pass Word is ——, denoting “Worldly Possessions.”
SW — Worshipful Master, your commands are obeyed.
WM — Brothers Deacons, you will retire and see that the Candidate is properly prepared.
The Lodge is opened in the Third Degree.

Third Degree
Opening Master Masons Lodge
WM — Brethren, assist me to open a Master Mason Lodge.
WM — Brother Junior Warden, what is the first and constant care of every Master Mason?
JW — To see the Lodge properly tyled, Worshipful Master.
WM — You will direct that duty to be performed.
JW — Brother Inner Guard, you will see the Lodge properly tyled.
IG — ❗~❗❗
Tyler— ❗~❗❗
IG — Brother Junior Warden, that duty is performed.
JW — Worshipful Master, your commands are obeyed.
WM — Brother Senior Warden, what is the next care?
SW — To see the Brethren to Order, as Fellow Craft Masons, Worshipful Master.
WM — Brethren, to Order as Fellow Craft Masons.
WM — Brother Junior Warden, are you a Master Mason?
JW — I am, Worshipful Master, try me and prove me.
WM — By what instruments of Architecture will you be proved?
JW — By the Square and Compasses.
WM — Then, Brother Junior Warden, being so well acquainted with the mode yourself, you will prove the Brethren to be Master Masons by Signs, and demonstrate that proof to me by copying their example.
JW — Brethren, by command of the Worshipful Master, you will prove yourselves to be Master Masons by Signs.
JW — Worshipful Master, the Brethren, having proved themselves Master Masons by Signs, I, in obedience to your commands, demonstrate that proof to you by copying their example.
WM — And I acknowledge the correctness of those Signs.
WM — Brother Senior Warden, from whence came you?
SW — From the East, Worshipful Master.
WM — Brother Junior Warden, whither do you direct your steps?
JW — To the West, Worshipful Master.
WM — Brother Senior Warden, why leave the East to go to the West?
SW — In search of that which was lost, and which with your assistance and our own endeavours we hope to find.
WM — Brother Junior Warden, what is that which was lost?
JW — The genuine Secrets of a Master Mason, Worshipful Master.
WM — How came they lost, Brother Senior Warden?
SW — By the untimely death of our Grand Master, Hiram Abif, who lost his life just previous to the completion of the Temple through his unshaken Fidelity to the trust reposed in him.
WM — Brother Junior Warden, where do expect to find them?
JW — In the centre, Worshipful Master.
WM — Brother Senior Warden, what is a centre?
SW — That point within a circle from which the circumference is equidistant in all its parts.
WM — And why in the centre, Brother Junior Warden?
JW — Because it is that point within and around which if a Mason keep his conduct circumscribed, he cannot materially err.
WM — Then, Brethren, I will assist you in your researches.
WM (or Chaplain) — May the Most High prosper our united endeavours.
IPM — With gratitude to our Grand Master we bend.
All bow reverently.
WM — (alone) All Glory to the Most High.
WM and Wardens — All Glory to the Most High.
All — All Glory to the Most High.
WM —“And Zillah, she also bare Tubal-Cain, an instructor of every artifice in brass and iron: and the sister of Tubal-Cain was Naamah.” (Genesis 4:22)
WM — Brethren, in the name of the Most High, I declare this Lodge Master Masons opened in the centre.
WM — ❗❗~❗ (Sits)
Here the Immediate Past Master alters the position of the Compasses and Square.
SW — ❗❗~❗
JW — ❗❗~❗
IG — ❗❗~❗
Tyler — ❗❗~❗
Third Degree or Ceremony of Raising
SD — (outside) ❗~❗❗
IG — (inside) Brother Junior Warden, there is a report.
JW — You will see who seeks admission.
IG — (outside) Whom have you there?
SD — Brother A.B., who has been regularly initiated into Masonry, served his full time as an Entered Apprentice, and been passed to the Second Degree, or that of a Fellow Craft, and has made such progress as he hopes will entitled him to some further work of the Worshipful Master’s favour, by raising him to the Third Degree or Sublime Degree of a Master Mason, for which purpose he presents himself properly prepared.
IG — How does he hope to obtain these great and important privileges?
SD — By the help of God, the united and of the Compasses and Square and the benefit of the Pass Grip and Pass Word.
IG — Is he in possession of the Pass Grip and Pass Word?
SD — He is.
IG — (removing gloves) Then let him give them to me.
Cand. — (Gives them.)
IG — Wait whilst I report to the Officer of the Worshipful Master.
IG — (inside) Brother Junior Warden, without the door of the Lodge stands Brother A.B., who has been regularly initiated into Masonry, served his full time as an Entered Apprentice, and been passed to the Second Degree, or that of a Fellow Craft, and has made such progress as he hopes will entitled him to some further work of the Worshipful Master’s favour, by raising him to the Third Degree or Sublime Degree of a Master Mason, for which purpose he presents himself properly prepared.
JW — How does he hope to obtain these great and important privileges?
IG — By the help of God, the united and of the Compasses and Square and the benefit of the Pass Grip and Pass Word.
JW — Is he in possession of the Pass Grip and Pass Word?
IG — He is.
JW — Wait, whilst I report to the Worshipful Master.
JW — Worshipful Master, without the door stands Brother A.B., who has been regularly initiated into Masonry, served his full time as an Entered Apprentice, and been passed to the Second Degree, or that of a Fellow Craft, and has made such progress as he hopes will entitled him to some further work of the Worshipful Master’s favour, by raising him to the Third Degree or Sublime Degree of a Master Mason, for which purpose he presents himself properly prepared.
WM — How does he hope to obtain these great and important privileges?
JW — By the help of God, the united and of the Compasses and Square and the benefit of the Pass Grip and Pass Word.
WM — Is he in possession of the Pass Grip and Pass Word?
JW — The Brother Inner Guard vouches that he is.
WM — Let him be admitted in the name of the Most High and let him be placed in the West.
JW — Brother Inner Guard, you will admit the Candidate in the name of the Most High.
IG — (At the entrance of the Lodge, but inside, applying both points of the Compasses to the Candidate’s breasts) Enter in the name of the Most High.
IG — Brothers Deacons, you will place the Candidate in the West
WM — Brother A.B., as all our ceremonies commence and close with prayer, you will kneel while the blessing of Heaven is invoked on your benefit.
Cand. — Kneels.
WM (or Chaplain) — “Almighty and Eternal God, and Supreme Ruler of the Universe, at whose creative fiat all things were made, we, the frail creatures of Thy Providence, humbly implore Thee to pour down upon this convention, assembled in Thy Most Holy Name the continual dew of Thy Blessing. More especially we beseech Thee to impart Thy Grace to Ulis Thy servant, now kneeling before Thee, seeking to participate with us in the Mysteries of a Master Mason. Endue him with such fortitude that in the hour of trial he fail not; but that passing safely under Thy protection through the valley of the Shadow of death, he may finally arise from the tomb of transgression and shine as the stars for ever and ever.”
All — So mote it be.
WM — Let the Candidate rise.
Cand. — (Rises.)
Brothers Deacons, you will conduct the Candidate three times round the Lodge, the first time giving me the Sign, Token and Word of an Entered Apprentice, the second time the Sign, Token and Word of a Fellow Craft, and the third time the Pass Grip and Pass Word leading to a Master Mason’s Lodge, which last he will also give to my Brother Senior Warden in the West.
Sentences to be said by the Worshipful Master or Chaplain, the gong being sounded once before each sentence.
Quiet organ music may be played during the rounds.
1 — (While passing from West to East, first time) What man is he that liveth and shall not see death? Shall he deliver his soul from the hand of the grave?
2 — (While passing from East to West, first time) Man walketh in a vain shadow and disquieteth himself in vain; he heapeth up riches and cannot tell who shall gather them.
3 — (While passing from West to East, second time) For when he dieth he shall carry nothing away, his glory shall not descend after him.
4 — (While passing from East to West, second time) Naked he came into the World and naked shall he return. The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away, blessed be the name of the Lord.
5 — (While passing from West to East, third time) Let me die the death of the righteous, and let my last end be like his.
6 — (While passing from East to West, third time) God is our God for ever and ever. He will be our guide even unto death.
SW — (without gloves) Whom have you there?
SD — Brother A.B., who has been regularly initiated into Masonry, served, his full time as an Entered Apprentice, and been passed to the Second Degree, or that of a Fellow Craft, and has made such progress as he hopes will entitled him to some further work of the Worshipful Master’s favour, by raising him to the Third Degree or Sublime Degree of a Master Mason, for which purpose he presents himself properly prepared, and which he hopes to obtain by the help of God, the united and of the Compasses and Square and the benefit of the Pass Grip and Pass Word.
SW — (without gloves) I will thank Brother A.B. to give me the Pass Grip and Pass Word leading to a Master Mason Lodge.
Cand. — (Gives them.)
SW — Brothers Deacons, let the Candidate face the East, whilst I report to the Worshipful Master.
SW — Worshipful Master, allow me to present to you Brother A.B., who has been regularly initiated into Masonry, served his full time as an Entered Apprentice, and been passed to the Second Degree, or that of a Fellow Craft, and has made such progress as he hopes will entitled him to some further work of the Worshipful Master’s favour, by raising him to the Third Degree or Sublime Degree of a Master Mason, for which purpose he presents himself properly prepared, and which he hopes to obtain by the help of God, the united and of the Compasses and Square and the benefit of the Pass Grip and Pass Word.
WM — We acknowledge the powerful aid by which the Candidate seeks advancement in our Order. I will attend to your presentation and address him myself.
WM — Brother A.B., every degree in Masonry is progressive and cannot be attained but by time, patience and application.
In the First Degree we are taught the duties we owe to God, our neighbors and ourselves. In the Second Degree we are permitted to participate in the hidden Mysteries of Nature and Science, and to trace the goodness and majesty of the Creator by minutely analyzing His works. But in the Third Degree is the cement of the whole. It is calculated to bind men together by the mystic points of Fellowship in the bond of Brotherly Love. It alludes to the darkness of death and the obscurity of the grave as the forerunners of a more brilliant light, which shall shine forth at the resurrection of the just, when these mortal bodies, long after slumbering in the dust, shall be awakened, re-united with their kindred spirits, and clothed with immortality.
Among the Brethren of this Degree the Ancient Landmarks of the Order are preserved, and from them is derived that fund of information, which expert and ingenious Craftsmen only can afford, men whose judgment has been matured by years and experience.
To a perfect knowledge of this Degree few attain, but it is an infallible truth that he who acquires by merit the marks of pre-eminence, which this Degree afford, receives a reward that amply compensates him for all his attention and assiduity.
From the Brethren of this Degree the Rulers of the Craft are selected, as it is only from those who are capable of giving instruction that we can expect properly to receive it.
This Degree takes us to circumscribe our conduct within the boundary line of our duty to God and man by practising out of the Lodge that which we are taught in it we shall convince the world that principles of Masonry are pure and all its requirements just.
A further and still more solemn Obligation is now required of you to keep inviolate the Secrets of this Degree. Are you willing to take it?
Cand. — (Responds without assistance.) I am.
WM — Brothers Deacons, you will advance the Candidate to the Pedestal in the East, there to take in due form the solemn Obligation of a Master Mason.
The Candidate is advanced.
WM — Brother A.B., you will kneel on both knees, bare and bent, place both hands upon the Volume of the Sacred Law, Compasses and Square, and repeat audibly and distinctly after me, substituting your name at full length where I use mine.
WM (without gloves) I ——, in the presence of the Most High and of this worthy and worshipful Lodge of Master Masons, regularly assembled and open on the Centre do, of my own free will and accord, hereby and hereon, to wit the Holy Bible, Compasses and Square, most solemnly promise, vow and swear that I will forever hele, keep and conceal, and never will reveal any or either of the Secret or Secrets, Mystery or Mysteries, Part or Parts, Point or Points of or at all belonging to the Third or Sublime Degree of a Master Mason to him who is but a Fellow Craft, as those of a Fellow Craft to him who is but an Entered Apprentice or those of an Entered Apprentice to anyone in the popular world, not being a Mason; and that I will impart them to none except a true and lawful Brother Master Mason or Master Masons, and not unto him or them until after due trial, strict examination, or a full conviction in my mind that he or they are worthy of my confidence, or in the body of a Master Mason’s Lodge, duly open on the Centre.
I furthermore do swear that I will maintain and uphold the Five Points of Fellowship in deed as well as in word; that is to say:—
My hand given to a Brother Master Mason shall be a sure pledge of Fellowship and Brotherhood, that I will aid and assist a Brother Master Mason in distress, provided I find him worthy and deserving of my confidence, and can do so without injury to myself, my family or connections.
My foot placed to his foot implies that I will not halt in my duty to serve a Brother Master Mason by night or by day in his business, profession or calling, and will prefer him before any other not being a Master Mason, if I find him worthy; and that I will unite with him in forming a column of mutual support and defence, and will give him timely notice of impending danger that may come to my knowledge as such.
My knee to his knee shall remind me in my daily position of supplication to the Most High not to be forgetful of a Brother Master Mason s wants, but to implore a blessing on his behalf as well as my own.
My breast placed to his breast signifies that it shall be the safe and sacred repository of a Brother Master Mason’s Secrets, confided to me as such, murder, treason, felony or any other offence contrary to the laws of God or the statutes of the Realm always excepted, these being left to my own free will.
My hand placed on his back implies that I will defend the character of a Brother Master Mason in his absence as well as in his presence, and will boldly repel the slanderer of his good name, and reveal to him the slanderer if so required; and that I will respect the honour and chastity of those near and dear to him in the persons of his wife, his sister or his child, knowing them to be such.
So that by these Five Points of Fellowship we may be linked together in a Bond of Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth.
To all these several Part or Parts, Point or Points, I solemnly pledge Fidelity, without hesitation, equivocation or mental reservation whatever, under the no less p., on the violation of any or either of them, than that of having m.b.s.i.t., m.b.t.t. and b.t.a. on the Centre, and those, that no tr. might r. of so p. a wr. and individual. So help me God and keep me steadfast in this my solemn Obligation, being that of a Master Mason.
WM — To render this solemn Obligation binding upon you to the latest hour of your existence, you will seal it upon the Volume of the Sacred Law three times with your lips.
Cand. — Seals Obligation.
WM — Rise, duly obligated Brother Master Mason.
Cand. — (Rises.)
WM — Your progress in Masonry is marked by the position of the points of the Compasses. In the First Degree, both points were hidden beneath the Square indicating your ignorance of the Order; in the Second Degree one point was disclosed above the Square, signifying that you were midway in Craft Masonry. You are now permitted to behold both points above the Square, showing that you have completed the circle of Craft Masonry, and I trust your future conduct will prove you worthy of the high Masonic honour conferred upon you.
WM — Brothers Deacons, you will conduct the Candidate to the West.
Deacons — (Conduct Candidate.)
WM — Brother A.B., having taken the solemn Obligation of a Master Mason you are entitled to demand of me the distinguishing Signs appertaining to this Degree; but it is first my duty to call to your attention to a retrospect of those Degrees through which you have already passed, whereby you will be better enabled to distinguish and appreciate the connection of our whole system and the relative dependence of its several parts.
Your admission amongst us in a condition of helpless indigence was a type of all men into their probationary state or existence. It was intended as a striking lesson of our natural equality and mutual dependence.
It instructed you in the active principles of Beneficence and Charity, and to extend relief and consolation to others in the hour of their affliction, looking beyond the narrow limits of particular institutions, whether civil or religious. Above all, it taught you to bend with becoming humility and resignation to the decrees of the Grand Architect of the Universe, and to dedicate to His Glory and the benefit of your fellow creatures your heart, thus purified from malignant passion and prepared for the reception of Moral Truth and Wisdom. Progressing onwards, you were passed into the Second Degree in order that you might therein cultivate the intellectual faculties with which the Grand Geometrician of the Universe has endowed the being formed after His Own Image.
To a mind thus modeled to Virtue and Science, the contemplation of the future is both easy and delightful, until at last passing through the intricate windings of human life you are gradually instructed how to die. This, my Brother, is the peculiar object of the Third Degree, wherein you are invited to reflect upon that awful subject, and to observe that to a virtuous mind death has no terrors equal to the sting of falsehood or stains of dishonour.
Of this great truth the annals of Masonry afford us a great and striking example in the unshaken fortitude and untimely death of our Grand Master Hiram Abif, who lost his life just previous to the completion of the Temple at Jerusalem, of which he was the principal Architect. With the manner of his death you will shortly be made acquainted, but before entrusting you with this momentous Secret, I must first have satisfactory proof of your fortitude and fidelity and call upon you to represent, in a figurative manner, our honoured and lamented Grand Master.
Note. Should there be more than one Candidate the Worshipful Master must now say:—
WM — As the next part of the ceremony [or, “As the remainder...”] can only be performed in the presence of one Candidate I will ask Brother —— (or Brothers ——) to retire.]
WM — You will allow the Candidate to survey the precincts of the Temple, and let it be done with all speed.
The Candidate is conducted very quickly by the Senior Deacon.
The Director of Ceremonies does not survey the precincts of the Temple.
JW — I demand the Secrets of a Master Mason.
SD — You cannot have them.
JW — I will have them.
SD — Wait until time or circumstances entitle you to receive them.
JW — Then die!
The Senior Warden repeats this colloquy with the Senior Deacon. The Hon. Past Master also repeats it, and in the altercation forces the Candidate, with the right hand raised, backwards to the foot of the grave.
Twelve equal strokes are slowly given on the tubular bell (which was presented for the purpose), or on the gong, to represent Low Twelve, while the Wardens come to the East.
The Past Master (who will afterwards raise the Candidate), the two Wardens, the Director of Ceremonies, and the Deacons only are to remain upon the floor around the Candidate.
On the South, the Past Master, Junior Warden and junior Deacon, and on the North, the Director of Ceremonies, Senior Warden and Senior Deacon.
SW — (standing near the North of the Pedestal) Worshipful Master, on proceeding to our labours in the Temple this morning our plans were deranged and much confusion existed among the workmen owing to the unusual absence of out Grand Master. We waited a long time without his making an appearance. Knowing the regularity of his attendance, we fear that some accident has befallen him, and are therefore come to report the circumstances to you, and await your commands. We have also to report the absence of three Fellow Crafts from their labours.
WM — Brother Senior Warden, the mysterious disappearance of our Grand Master is most alarming, more especially as we have heard of the existence of a conspiracy to extract from him the Secrets of his exalted Degree. You will therefore select fifteen trusty Fellow Crafts and make diligent search for the person of our Grand Master in and about the precincts of the Temple. Failing to find him there, you will extend your researches to the surrounding country and report the result to me.
SW — Worshipful Master, your commands shall be obeyed.
The Senior Warden and others depart towards the West and the “surrounding country.” All on floor, taking time from the Senior Warden, say:—
Lost, and must be found! (pause)
Lost, and must be found! (pause)
Lost, and must be found!
Search is made by all on the floor until the Junior Warden discovers the body and hails his Companions by holding up the acacia with his right hand.
The Candidate is slightly uncovered by the Wardens, and the covering replaced.
SW — (after receiving the acacia from the Junior Warden, and having returned to the North of the Pedestal) Worshipful Master, in obedience to your commands I assembled fifteen trusty Fellow Crafts, and made diligent search in and about the precincts of the Temple, but, not finding any trace of our Grand Master, we extended our researches into the adjacent country in different directions, separating for that purpose into three parties and, agreeing to meet on the hillside of Mount Moriah. Having there assembled, one of our Brethren, who had seated himself to rest at some distance from his Companions, took hold of a small shrub to assist himself in rising. This, coming easily from the ground, an unpleasant odour was emitted which gave rise to the suspicion that a body had been recently interred there. We at once searched the spot and found a body rudely buried. Fearing it might be that of our Grand Master, we covered it with all due reverence and marked the place with the same shrub, which proved to be an acacia, a sprig of which I now present to you, and await your commands.
WM — Brother Senior Warden, the intelligence you bring is indeed alarming. You will return with all speed to the place marked by the acacia, and removing the loose earth, carefully examine the body, for, should it prove to be that of our Grand Master, you will find upon his person the emblems of Truth and Justice, the Square and Compasses, without which he never traveled.
SW — Worshipful Master, your commands shall be obeyed.
All on floor gather round the Candidate, who is partly uncovered. The Senior Warden discovered the Emblems of Truth and Justice and holds them up.
SW — (after returning to the North of the Pedestal) Worshipful Master, in obedience to your commands we returned with all speed to the place marked by the acacia, and removing the loose earth, carefully examined the body. We found upon it the Emblems of Truth and Justice, the Square and Compasses, which I now present to you and await your commands (hands them to Worshipful Master).
WM — Alas! my Brother, it is indeed the body of our Grand Master, which must be raised that it may receive such a sepulture as befits his exalted ranks and talents.
You will also carefully note all Casual Signs made and first words spoken at the disinterment of the body; for by the untimely death of our Grand Master the Secrets of a Master Mason are lost, as they were known to but three Grand Masters, and could only be disclosed in the presence of the three; so that those Casual Signs and first words may be substituted for the genuine Secrets until time or circumstances shall restore the original ones.
SW — Worshipful Master, your commands shall be obeyed.
The Senior Warden and others gather round the Candidate. All on floor, taking time from Senior Warden:—
Found, and must be raised, (pause)
Found, and must be raised, (pause)
Found, and must be raised.
The Candidate is completely uncovered. The Past Master, who has been standing at the Southeast, advances to the foot of the grave and makes the Sign of Horror and returns to his place.
The Director of Ceremonies then advances from the Northeast to the foot of the grave, makes the Sign of Sympathy and returns to his place.
One then says M——, and the other M——. The Wardens and Deacons join in the Signs and Words.
WM — Brother Junior Warden, you will endeavour to raise the body by the Entered Apprentice Grip.
JW — It proves a slip, Worshipful Master.
WM — Brother Senior Warden, you will now try the Fellow Craft Grip.
SW — That also proves a slip.
WM — Then, Brethren, there remains another method. Our Hon. Past Master will raise the body by the Lion’s Grip of Strength on the Five Points of Fellowship.
He is now raised by the Past Master on the Five Points of Fellowship. Note. — Should there be more than one Candidate the others must be admitted one at a time and raised in exactly the first manner as the first.
Note. The raising should, as nearly as possible, be actually carried out on the Five Points of Fellowship in accordance with the subsequent statement of the Hon. Past Master. It is not correct to omit to do this, and merely to go through the form when the Hon. Past Master commences his address, the Five Points of Fellowship being among the casual signs occurring during the disinterment of the body.
During the raising there may be loud organ piels and the gong may be sounded.
The following address may either be given to each Candidate by himself (before the admission of the others) or to all the Candidates collectively after the last has been raised. The Emblems of Mortality should not be removed until the address is finished.
HPM — Thus, my Brother, you have been raised as every Master Mason has been raised before you: hand to hand, foot to foot, knee to knee, breast to breast, hand to back, from a figurative death to a reunion with the companions of your former toil. You may observe that the light of a Master Mason is but darkness visible, sufficient only to discover the gloom which rests upon the prospect of futurity; that mysterious veil which the eye of human reason cannot penetrate, unless assisted by that light which is from above. Yet, even by this glimmering ray you may prove that you are stand on the very brink of the grave, into which you have just figuratively descended, and which, after this transitory life shall have passed away, will receive you into its cold embrace. Let the Emblems of Mortality, by which you are surrounded, lead you to contemplate your inevitable destiny, and guide your reflections to that most interesting of all human studies—the knowledge of yourself.
Be careful to perform your allotted task while it is yet day, for the night cometh when no man can work. Continue to listen to the voice of Reason, which bears witness that even in this perishable frame there exists a vital and immortal principle, inspiring us with a holy confidence that the Lord of Life will enable us to trample the King of Terrors beneath our feet, lifting our eyes to that Bright Morning Star whose rising brings peace and tranquillity to the faithful and obedient of the human race.
Note. The Hon. Past Master should not, during the last passage, point to the light in the East.
HPM — Worshipful Master, your commands are obeyed.
WM — Brother A.B., you will now retire and restore yourself to those personal comforts of which you have been so long deprived. You will afterwards return to the Lodge for further instruction.
If there are two Candidates the Worshipful Master will add:—
WM — Brothers Deacons, you will admit Brother ——.
Deacons — Admit Candidate.
SD — Worshipful Master, we present to Brother —— in obedience to your commands.
WM — You will allow the Candidate to survey the precincts of the Temple and let it be done with all speed.
The lighting remains unaltered and the Emblems of Mortality are left in their place until the Candidate, or Candidates, have retired. During his, or their, absence, the lights are gradually, but fully increased and the Emblems of Mortality removed.
On returning with the Candidate, or Candidates, the Senior Deacon knocks as a Fellow Craft and the Inner Guard reports to the Junior Warden. On arrival between the Pillars the Deacons and Candidate(s) salute.
WM — As a reward for your attention, I will call upon our Hon. Past Master to put you in possession of the Secrets appertaining to this Degree.
WM — Brothers Deacons, you will advance the Candidate to the East.
The Candidate stands facing the East, and the Hon. Past Master has his back to the Pedestal.
HPM — (without gloves) Brother A.B., I have pleasure in obeying the commands of the Worshipful master to put you in possession of the Secrets peculiar to this Degree. You will, therefore, advance to me as an Entered Apprentice by taking a short pace with the left foot bringing the right heel into the hollow and give the Sign (left hand as well as right hand) and as a Fellow Craft by taking a short pace with the right foot bringing the left heel into the hollow, giving the Sign. You will now take another short pace with the left foot bringing the heels together. This is the third regular step in Masonry, and it is in this position the Secrets of the Degree are communicated. They consist of Signs, Tokens and Words. The Signs are three in number, the first two being casual and the third penal.
The first casual Sign, called the Sign of Horror, is given from that of a Fellow Craft by placing the right hand thus ——, as if to screen the eyes, at the same time extending the left hand thus ——, and turning the head over the right shoulder as if to avoid an offending sight. It represents the attitude assumed by some of the Craftsmen who were present when the body of our Grand Master, Hiram Abif, was disinterred.
The second casual Sign, called the Sign of Sympathy, is given by striking the forehead lightly (three times) with the flat of the right hand, and alludes to the actions of others who, viewing the ghastly wounds upon the forehead of our Grand Master, smote their own thus —— in sympathy with his sufferings.
The third, or Penal Sign, is given by drawing the thumb of the right hand smartly across the body, recovering on the centre thus ——, and refers to the penalty of your Obligation, wherein you swore you would rather, etc.
There are two additional Signs connected with this Degree which are sometimes given, and are called the Signs of Grief and Distress. The first is given by passing the right hand across the forehead from right to left, with the palm to the front and the thumb in the form of a Square. This took its rise from the time our Grand Master was passing from the North to the East entrance of the Temple, and the agony of his tnind was so great that sweat stood in large drops upon his forehead, and he made use of this means (done) as a temporary relief to his sufferings.
The other Sign I trust you may never have occasion to use, as it is only intended for circumstances of great danger. It has been known to save life even on the field of battle. It is given by elevating the hands thus —— and bringing them together in the form of a triangle upon the forehead, and exclaiming in any language by which you can make yourself understood, “Help to the widow’s son!”, upon the supposition that we are all Brethren to Hiram Abif, who was the son of a widow of the tribe of Naphthali.
The Grip or Token, called the Master Mason’s or Lion’s Grip of Strength, is the first of the Five Points of Fellowship, which are thus given—hand to hand, foot to foot, knee to knee, breast to breast, hand over back. It is in this position, and this position alone, the Words of the Degree are given and then only in a whisper. They are M—— and M——, signifying the Master or Builder is smitten or slain.
I should add that it is by this step and Sign you stand to Order in this Degree, and salute the Worshipful Master between the Pillars in the West.
HPM — Worshipful Master, your commands are obeyed.
WM — Brothers Deacons, you will conduct the Candidate to the Junior and Senior Wardens for trial and approval. To the Junior Warden he will give the Pass Grip and Pass Word leading to a Master Mason’s Lodge, and to the Senior Warden the whole of the Secrets with which he has been entrusted.
Deacons — (Conduct Candidate.)
JW — (without gloves) Whom have you there?
SD — Brother A.B., for trial and approval.
JW — I will thank Brother A.B. to give me the Pass Grip and Pass Word leading to a Master Mason’s Lodge.
Cand. — (Gives them.)
JW — Pass ——.
SW — (without gloves) Whom have you there?
SD — Brother A.B., for trial and approval.
SW-1 will thank Brother A.B. to advance to me as a Master Mason, first as an Entered Apprentice with Sign; then as a Fellow Craft with Sign; now as a Master Mason with Signs. (Three Signs only)
He will now demonstrate the Five Points of fellowship and communicate the Words.
Lastly, he will make the two additional Signs of Grief and Distress which I trust he may never have real occasion to use.
Cand. — (Does as instructed.)
SW — Brothers Deacons, let the Candidate face the East, whilst I report to the Worshipful Master.
Deacons — (Face Candidate to East.)
SW — Worshipful Master, allow me to recommend to you Brother A.B., who has been raised to the Third or Sublime Degree of a Master Mason for some further work of your favour.
WM — Brother Senior Warden, it always affords me much pleasure to attend to your recommendations. I therefore delegate you to invest the Candidate with the distinguishing Badge of a Master Mason.
SW — (After removing the Fellow Craft Apron and investing with that of a Master Mason) This Badge, bearing three rosettes, prove you have completed the circuit of Craft Masonry, and are entitled to the honourable appellation of a Master Mason.
SW — Worshipful Master, your commands are obeyed.
WM — Brother A.B., the Badge with which you have been invested not only points out your rank as a Master Mason, but it is intended to remind you of those great duties you have solemnly engaged to perform; and whilst it marks your superiority in the Craft, it calls upon you to afford Masonic instruction to your Brethren in the inferior degrees.
WM — Brothers Deacons, you will advance the Candidate to the East, in order that he may listen to the Address upon the Working Tools of this Degree.
The Candidate should face the East, standing just in front of the Pedestal.
The Working Tools are each handed to Candidate who passes then to the Deacon, to Director of Ceremonies, to Worshipful Master giving Explanation.
WM (or any Brother he may appoint) — The Working Tools of a Master Mason are the Skirret, Pencil, Compasses and Trowel.
The Skirret is an implement which acts on a centre pin from whence a line is drawn, chalked and struck to mark out the ground for the intended structure.
With the Pencil the skillful artist delineates the building in a draft or plan for the instruction and guidance of the workmen.
The Compasses enable him with accuracy and precision to ascertain and determine the limits and proportions of the several parts, and the Trowel is used for spreading the cement which unites the structure into one common mass.
But as we are not all Operative Masons, but rather Free and Accepted, or Speculative Masons, we apply these Tools to our morals thus:—
The Skirret points out the straight and undeviating line of duty laid down for our pursuit in the Volume of Sacred Law.
The Pencil teaches us that our words and actions are observed and recorded by the Almighty Architect, to whom we must give and account of our conduct through life.
The Compasses remind us of the unerring and impartial justice of Him, who having defined for our instruction the limits of good and evil, will reward or punish as we have obeyed or disregarded his Divine commands.
We are taught to use the Trowel for the noble and glorious purpose of spreading the cement of Brotherhood and affection which unites us in a common bond as a Society of Brethren amongst whom no contention should ever exist, but only that worthy emulation as to who can best work and best agree.
Thus the Working Tools of a Master Mason teach us to act according to the laws of our Divine Creator, so that when we shall be summoned from this earthly abode, we may ascend to the Grand Lodge above, where the World’s Great Architect lives and reigns for ever.
The Charge, when given, follows here.
WM — This completes the ceremonies of your admission to the Degrees of Craft Masonry, and you will now take your seat in the Lodge.
Closing a Master Masons Lodge
Note. A Master Masons Lodge must never be closed without full ceremonial, except in case of great emergency.
WM — Brethren, assist me to close this Master Masons Lodge.
WM — Brother Junior Warden, what is the last as well as the first and constant care of every Master Mason?
JW — To prove the Lodge closely tyled, Worshipful Master.
WM — You will direct that duty to be performed.
JW — Brother Inner Guard, you will prove the Lodge closely tyled.
IG — ❗❗~❗
Tyler — ❗❗~❗
IG — Brother Junior Warden, the Lodge is closely tyled.
JW — Worshipful Master, your commands are obeyed.
WM — Brother Senior Warden, what is the next care?
SW — To see the Brethren to Order as Master Masons, Worshipful Master.
WM — Brethren, to Order as Master Masons.
WM — Brother Senior Warden, from whence come you?
SW — From the West, Worshipful Master, whither we have been in search of that which was lost.
WM — Brother Junior Warden, have you been successful in your researches?
JW — We have not, Worshipful Master, but we have discovered certain substituted Secrets, which we are anxious to impart to you for your approval.
WM — Brother Junior Warden, let those substituted Secrets be regularly imparted to me through my Brother Senior Warden in the West.
Note. The Secrets to be imparted are:—
(1) by the Junior Warden to the Senior Warden, and (2) by the Senior Warden to the Past Master, are the Hailing Sign of a Fellow Craft, the step and first three Signs of a Master Mason, followed by the Five Points of Fellowship and the Words of the third Degree.
The fifth Point of Fellowship is to be made with the palm of the hand turned inwards. The Sign of Sympathy is given by three taps on the forehead.
After the Hailing Sign of a Fellow Craft has been made the Junior Warden says:—
JW — By command of the Worshipful Master I impart to you the Substituted secrets of a Master Mason.
In receiving the Secrets the Senior Warden and Past Master respectfully should follow the Brother imparting them and not given them simultaneously.
After obeying, the Junior Warden returns to his place by the West, North, and East, still being to Order. (N.B. He has been in the West during his actions with the Senior Warden)
SW — Worshipful Master, deign to receive the substituted Secrets of a Master Mason, which have been regularly imparted to me by my Brother Junior Warden.
WM — Brother Senior Warden, I shall be happy to receive them. You will therefore, advance to the East and give them aloud for the benefit of the Brethren.
Signs, etc. given by Senior Warden to Past Master.
WM — Brethren, the substituted Secrets of a Master Mason having been regularly imparted to my by my Brother Senior Warden, I, as the humble representative of King Solomon, and Master of this Lodge, do ratify and confirm the same to designate you and all Master Masons until time or circumstance shall restore the genuine ones.
IPM — With gratitude to our Grand Master we bend.
All bow reverently.
WM — (only) All Glory to the Most High.
WM and Wardens — All Glory to the Most High.
All — All Glory to the Most High.
WM (or Chaplain) — Brethren, let us be careful to perform our allotted task while it is day, the night cometh when no man can work.
WM — Brother Senior Warden, our labours in this degree being ended, you now have my commands to declare this Lodge of Master Masons closed in the name of the Most High.
WM — ❗❗~❗ (Sits)
SW — Brethren, in the name of the Most High, and by command of the Worshipful Master, I declare this Lodge of Master Masons closed.
SW — ❗❗~❗ (Sits)
Here the Immediate Past Master alters the Compasses and Square to the position of the Second Degree.
JW — Closed accordingly.
JW — ❗❗~❗
IG — ❗❗~❗
Tyler — ❗❗~❗
IG — ❗~❗❗
Tyler — ❗~❗❗