Bye-laws 1971
Bye-laws of Lodge Star in the East No. 640
I. Lodge Meetings
- All meetings shall be held at the Masonic Temple, No. 3 Yamate cho, Naka ku, Yokohama.
- The regular meetings shall be held on the 2nd Tuesday of each month with the exception of the months of July and August. The time of the meeting shall be 7:30 p.m. or such other time as the Lodge at the previous regular meeting may decide.
- The nomination of Office Bearers and of the elective members of the General Committee and the Committee of Enquiry, shall take place at the regular meeting in November.
- The election of the Office Bearers and of the elective members of the General Committee and the Enquiry Committee will take place at the regular meeting in December.
- Office Bearers shall be installed at the Installation Meeting to be held on St. John's Day in Winter, 27th December, unless it falls on a Sunday, in which event another date may be fixed.
- The annual meeting shall be the regular meeting held on the 2nd Tuesday in March. At that meeting the Annual Accounts and Report shall be considered.
- All meetings except as after mentioned shall be convened by circulars delivered or posted to every qualified resident member at least 7 days previously. Meetings at which applications are to be considered shall be convened as provided in Law 179. Meetings for conferring degrees on candidates already balloted for may be convened on 48 hours notice.
II. Office Bearers
- The Office Bearers shall be: Master, Depute Master, Substitute Master, Senior Warden, Junior Warden, Secretary, Treasurer, Almoner, Senior Deacon, Junior Deacon, Inner Guard. and Outer Guard or Tyler.
- If numbers permit the Lodge may have other Office Bearers as listed in the Constitution including Stewards (to a maximum of three).
- Office Bearers other than those who are ex-officio members of the General Committee are eligible for election as members of the Committee of Enquiry and as Auditors.
- The Master shall appoint his Depute and Substitute. All elective Office Bearers shall be elected annually by the Lodge.
- The Secretary, the Treasurer and the Tyler may receive such remuneration for their services as may be agreed upon at the annual meeting.
III. General Committee
The General Committee shall consist of: Master, Immediate Past Master, Depute Master, Substitute Master, Senior Warden, Junior Warden, Secretary, Treasurer and Almoner. Four members shall form a quorum.
IV. Enquiry Committee
In accordance with Law 150, the Committee of Enquiry shall consist of the Master, the Immediate Past Master, the Wardens. the Secretary, the Treasurer and not more than three other qualified members to be elected at the Annual Election Meeting. Four shall form a quorum.
V. Balloting
- Two black balls shall exclude a candidate.
- If a candidate for initiation or affiliation shall be rejected, an interval of at least 6 months must elapse before he can again be proposed.
VI. Fees
- For Entering, Passing and Raising: Yen 36,000.00
- For the Mark (Registration and Diploma): Yen 3,600.00
- For Affiliation:
- From the Scottish Constitution: Yen 7,200.00
- From other Constitutions: Yen 9,000.00
- Annual Contribution (Test Fee) by each Master Mason, payable in advance or before the Annual Installation Meeting. (Members resident beyond a radius of seventy five (75) miles from Yokohama may elect to become Absent Members.) In the year of admission, newly made Master Masons and Affiliates are not liable for Test Fees, said fees not being payable until the beginning of the financial year subsequent to Raising or Affiliation:
- Resident Members: Yen 5,400.00
- Absent Members: Yen 3,600.00
- For rejoining the Absent Members Fee shall be assessed commencing one year following the date of issuance of the Demit or Resignation Certificate. Maximum assessment shall not exceed five (5) years annual contributions (inclusive of the current year). Arrears likewise shall not be chargeable for more than five (5) years annual contributions.
- Commutation Fee (Life Membership)
- Resident Members: Yen 54,000.00
- Absent Members: Yen 36,000.00
- Demit and Resignation Certificate: Yen 900.00
All fees shall include Grand Lodge and District Grand Lodge fees and assessments.
VII. Commutation Fees Fund
The sum to be withdrawn from these funds annually, as provided by Law 188, shall be 10% of the amount of the funds at the close of each financial year.
VIII. Benevolent Fund
- The Benevolent Fund shall receive the sum of ¥50 from each Annual Contribution, a corresponding proportion of the sum withdrawn annually from the Commutation Fees Fund (1%) and 25% of the annual surplus on General Working Fund.
- The Benevolent Fund shall be administered by the General Committee.
- The Master may give casual relief at his own discretion, but in no case shall the sum exceed ¥10,000 to any individual.
- Subject to recommendations by the General Committee and approval by the members in open Lodge, donations may be made from the Benevolent Fund to Grand Lodge Benevolent Fund for other purposes of Masonic Benevolence sponsored by Grand Lodge (including Scottish Masonic Homes), to the Hong Kong and South China Masonic Benevolence Fund Corporation, to other institutions for charitable or communal purposes which render facilities to members and their families, and to any individual.
IX. Accounts
- An Auditor or Auditors who are not members of the General Committee shall be appointed at the regular meeting in January to take an. inventory of the clothing and other property of the Lodge, examine the Secretary's books and papers, audit the Treasurer's books and Accounts for the year ending December 31st preceding, and to report thereon in writing not later than 14 days prior to the Annual Meeting.
- The Abstract Statement of Accounts with Balance Sheet and the Auditors Report shall be stencilled or printed and a copy sent to each qualified member, along with the circular calling the regular meeting in March.
Grand Secretary
Edinburgh, Scotland, 21st January 1971