Tokyo Masonic Lodge Resolution



WHEREAS, Freemasonry is a fraternal organization having for its purpose the unity of "men of every country, sect and opinion" under the fatherhood of God, and to "cause true friendship to exist among those who might otherwise have remained at a perpetual distance;"

WHEREAS, the Japanese people is a part of humanity and "inhabitants of the same planet" and therefore eligible to admission into the mysteries of Masonry if duly and truly qualified;

WHEREAS, Masonry combats ignorance, promotes tolerance, leads mankind along virtuous path lighted by Masonic tenets, and teaches that People is sovereign over all institutions;

WHEREAS, Democracy which is the direct offspring of Masonry is being introduced in postwar Japan and the Great Lights of Masonry might help the Japanese understand the democratic way of life;

WHEREAS, the Tokyo Masonic Lodge F. & A. M. (U.D.) is desirous of doing its share in the democratization of Japan, and

WHEREAS, there are Japanese subjects who believe in one God and possess the prerequisites for membership into the Masonic Fraternity as any other man:

BE IT RESOLVED, therefore, as it is hereby resolved unanimously, to announce to the four winds of Heaven and particularly to the M. W. Grand Lodge of the Philippine Islands that the Tokyo Masonic Lodge U.D. under the jurisdiction of the M. W. Grand Lodge of the P. I. proposes to accept, as it hereby undertakes to accept, any and all duly and truly qualified Japanese nationals to be initiated into, passed and raised in the Order of Masonry, and to request, as it hereby requests, the M. W. Grand Lodge of the Philippine Islands and Brethren under the jurisdiction a vote of confidence in this undertaking of spreading good will in post-war Japan.

Tokyo, Japan, November 30, 1949

Worshipful Master
Tokyo Masonic Lodge U.D.
Tokyo, Japan